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10/24/17 9:43 PM

#493030 RE: LuckyPanda #493028

Man Lucky that's a balls out prognostication...I agree the price decline is indicative of a shaking the loose fruit and not that of a bail. If it were going to hell in a hand basket it would be violent and you could not get out fast enough. I would not put it past them to shake it real hard close to the end , enough to cause a full on panic by some!

Thats when I get to use some dried powder and a few choice large bore rounds.

I truly will not try to guess the timing, but I do respect your intellect and knowledge with regard to this journey? Ahey up !

Prognosticating regards,
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10/25/17 9:30 AM

#493077 RE: LuckyPanda #493028

Panda, so let me understand.. youre thinking a deal for all intense purposes at least by the end of the yr and are taking a long shot of friday or monday... so if this is indeed true youre basically saying the wmih common price of .73 is a buy of a lifetime... now, youre taking the side of a deal could be "leaked" to the in the know funds, institutions, etc and they are the ones "shaking" the tree... now my question, how are they shaking the tree? the stock usually goes UP on leaks, not down on leaks, usually the tree shaking would of happen months ago so I can easily take the other side and say the leak is not good for common hence the funds are exiting now