Agree Cache. Sidney is very excited for this to take off but knows there is a process to get this rolling commercially. I think the next video next week will be very enlightening as to the value built into the system for the insurance companies. This is no easy task and Sidney has quietly had his nose tonthe grindstone. As he says this is very difficult to PR and explain in a way OTC investors will understand. Much of what they are doing now if for the private investors that will be restricted and we are literally just along for the ride. That does not mean Sidney does not care about us. He just understands what the OTC is. He has commented to me about being insulted by what some have sent him regarding bashing or flat out factually wrong data posted here but also understands it goes with the territory. He is working hard to get this train moving as it's in his best interest to have a higher market cap.
He knows this is undervalued for this stage currently but also knows other numbers way higher are overvalued. He thinks it should be somewhere in the middle so guessing .50 is what he thinks. He did not say that it's just my opinion based on lengthy conversations in email.