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08/18/17 8:53 AM

#181676 RE: e-ore #181675

D'arnuad has a 276 obp this year and only has thrown own 18% of the runners, just 18%, they really should up grade that position he hurt you both defensively and offensively.

smith and rosario I get given them the chance they are prized prospect, but no one knows how they are gonna do next year. I even like flores at 2b, I think that is his best defensive position and if he plays there everyday he will be average defensively and will hit for pop. as for 3b wright I'm pretty certain isn't coming back, reynolds, doesn't even belong in the majors lets aloner starting, and the defense here whether it was tj or flores or whoever has been terrible. I think 3b is the place where they will spend money it is so obvious they can't get away with the combo of bad defense and substandard offense from that position.

as for cespedes I believe he will bounce back and conforot is a star in the making. But cf if you play lageres in cf he only has a 289 career obp against righties if you told me he had trouble hitting lefties his defense would make up for that, but righties, that is 75%-80% of the at bats you will take in a season, he is a 4th of, that what he is, a very good 4th of and should start versus lh pitching. if you don't want a big expense and you value defense, what you could do is go signa jarrod dyson, can play great defense, can't hit lefties, but that's okay lageres starts when he plays lefties. I'm actually okay with that if that the plan as long as they sign a moustakas for 3b. and load up the bullpen I can actually live with that, but 3b, keep in mind david wright throwing arm is shot so even if he did come back I would have to think he would have to learn 1b, so it doesn't put the stress on his arm, and rivera and flores play 2b base 10x better then 3b. to me 3b is the biggest need of the offseason, outside of the bullpen. then c. do I think they fix all their needs probably not, but if anything one thing they have to do is at least fix the bullpen and 3b those are two things that must be fixed in the offseason.