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08/16/17 3:11 PM

#176595 RE: sissyjane1 #176588

It also needs to address shareholder concerns about how the company is financing itself.

He needs to directly answer and explain himself. How they blew 9.7 million, gave themselves pay raises, and are broke and seeking toxic financing at shareholder expense.


08/16/17 4:05 PM

#176603 RE: sissyjane1 #176588

Here is Marks reply...multiple emails..

We are all working hard towards the Channel who has closed deals that we are talking to right now. The deals are supposed to go live in October-November and pay well. We still expect a strong end of year with some of the revenues coming in before end of year as discussed. Things always take longer with large companies and nothing we can do about it, but it is happening.

Thanks and don’t forget about our lawsuits as well, which are going well.



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I would think that someone that can’t sell enough in a year to pay his salary for 1 quarter would have long since been

replaced. Why is GW still associated with SF? Why hasn’t he hired a salesman that has shoes instead of sneakers or flipflops?

In lieu of your recent “Confidential” releases regarding revenues, including 3rd quarter “not much to talk about” expectations,

is there any reason not to expect shareholder values to keep dropping? Are we looking at another RS before 12/31?

Also, why so much $$ for “consulting”? The lawyers are on contingency. Who is getting the money?


From: marklkay

Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 Re: ACS


I cant discuss it and should get done by end of this month. it isnt costing us much and we arent in trouble.



Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------


Date: 8/3/17 8:15 PM (GMT-05:00)

To: marklkay <>

Subject: Re: ACS


As a long time investor (2011) and observer, it just bothers me that you have to go outside for maintainence funds

rather than call for an advance on the $9M owed by ACS. As a stockholder, even though the investment “isn’t hurting

shareholders” it feels that this added debt is the same as dilution, perhaps not as expensive, but still lessening

SH value. Is the $9M contingent on their success selling the product? If so, the lack of measurable sales really makes me

nervous about the company’s 1-2 year future.


From: marklkay

Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 4:54 PM

To: Re: ACS


I cant give details but i did say we are getting an investment. it is just being delayed and we are recieving other monies meanwhile thst isnt hurting our shsreholders. CONFIDENTIAL


Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone


Date: 8/3/17 7:12 PM (GMT-05:00)

To: "Mark L. Kay" <>

Subject: Re: ACS


Based on that response and the statement you made back in March, you must be pretty close

to being “tapped out” for funding. In the absence of cash sales or ACS payments, how will the company

fund itself for the next 6 months.



08/16/17 4:24 PM

#176606 RE: sissyjane1 #176588

So you think the revenue numbers of $58k includes sales on HSN? Because I'm not convinced they hit the books by June 31st. That is my thought. I'm honestly thinking maybe Amazon was not included in that number?