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08/02/17 11:41 PM

#113733 RE: Gator328 #113725

Agreed Gator and also:

• we've not seen any Forms 4 filed in awhile for insider purchases, have we? Sure, one could easily argue that's bearish but couldn't that also be bullish especially during what most here would deem a quiet period? Buying based on non public info is frowned upon

• also despite being in quiet periods, wouldn't it be typical for companies to proactively communicate with the investment community if they expect their results to differ materially from earlier statements or projections? (Thankfully there's been no such announcement that I've seen)

• efficacy has been discussed at length and shown on presentation slides and unless results somehow faltered recently, odds should be weighted heavily towards getting a ph3 trial underway as soon as our new SVP of Reg affairs & FDA work out the details. Co says it'll be this year; I'll take their word for it.

• from Dr Fadiran's hiring p/r 5/1/17: “His depth of experience makes him an excellent choice to manage the considerable number of regulatory filings that Anavex has planned.”

• and quote 10 days ago from new SAB member Dr Cole said “I look forward to advising the company as it’s about to initiate three clinical trials with significant unmet needs.”

• buying interest seems quite low in recent weeks in the absence of substantial news; this leads to fear and loathing and share price declines in small cap bios especially; sellers can take advantage AND the selling may also be related to LPC share sales that's causing price erosion? BUT I'd propose that the mere fact that they're continuing to raise funds helps to lend credence to their stated strategic plans of getting three trials running in 2017

• by any reasonable metric if this drug is approved for any one of the large CNS diseases, sales theoretically could be in the billions annually; and then there's other drugs in our pipeline with other indications

• as of today's market cap, either "the market" does not agree at all with the above bullet points, OR we are largely unheard of still (would seem strange given the poor efficacy of the current SOC drugs for CNS diseases; are biotech analysts/press not encouraged to cover a ph2a drug that is communicating "dose dependent cognitive improvement? And test results such as slide 26 etc? Albeit small # of participants at this time), OR market forces know all about Anavex but their game plan is to keep the company marginalized for as long as possible?

If it's the latter then the new FDA leadership and 21st cca could not have come at a better time for our situation


08/03/17 11:17 AM

#113795 RE: Gator328 #113725

Excellent point.

If all was not well, now would be the time for a SAB member or two to politely resign. Any old benign excuse would do I'm sure.
If it's a dud the options wouldn't be worth much but reputation is priceless.