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08/03/17 11:25 AM

#113799 RE: baltimorebullet #113795

Exactly. I don't know the SAB agreements, but I'd imagine that compensation is mostly in stock, and not cash.

Moreover, it would be very difficult to attract new members to the SAB with poor data. Especially if the compensation is in stock that will soon be worthless.

Moreover, while I suppose it is possible that Dr Missling could orchestrate a massive Pump and Dump to major funds, that would be professional suicide. I think it's less likely that he plans to sell worthless stock to sophisticated investors at inflated prices and then retire on the beach somewhere, and more likely that the drug compound is showing some potential for success and he's looking to raise money to advance the trials.

The fact he hasn't exercised his options speaks volumes. And if I were him, and I knew that my stock was going to be worthless, I'd be asking for a lot more than $300k in salary (which is really only $150k after NY taxes come into play at the fed, state, and local level). I'd rather have $700k salary and a handful of options instead of $300k and $11M worth of worthless options...

The best we can do here is to apply Occam's Razor. We've already determined that some here are invested in a competitor -- why they think that Anavex's success hurts their company is crazy as the two are not mutually exclusive, but it is what it is. Occam's Razor to me reveals that Anavex is making progress. That's good enough for me, for now.