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07/12/17 5:33 PM

#34041 RE: User-65225 #34038

Good perspectives, thank you. I do feel that knowing the percentage of profit distribution should be public knowledge but you're right, we can figure that with future earnings reports hopefully. I'm just concerned with GZ cutting in to S&L potential due to unforeseen expenses with the system. I guess I'll just have to trust the leadership has it all under control. I can't help but think in a business sense, that's just how I am and my schooling just makes it worse lol


07/12/17 5:42 PM

#34043 RE: User-65225 #34038

Excellent post. This is a prime example of how concrete questions can lead to concrete answers.

We ALL should bear in mind that, as far as GZ goes, we definitely do NOT know enough. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily. Remember that our profit at this stage is does NOT come from GZ. We do not know the economic model, the price .... basically nothing. However, we will know in due time, when GZ is ready to bring money to the table. THAT will be another HUGE burst of news right there.

It is my opinion that focusing on GZ right now is a mistake, precisely because we know next to nothing about it. Once the details start coming out, THEN we can start to consider questions such as: will this make money? Is it a good model? What is the potential? - All of these are fundamental questions that we can not really answer at the moment.

Nevertheless, those questions can be answered, and in fact have already been answered for S&L. We can discuss S&L but we can only speculate about GZ. We should be very clear that discussion and speculation are two very different things that should not be mixed. Discussion should only be done about the concrete, speculation can be done about anything and can lead everywhere.

This is not to say that we should not speculate. Speculating can be very fun, especially when things have so much potential. But things become messy when we start placing our belief in just pure ideas.


07/12/17 10:59 PM

#34077 RE: User-65225 #34038

Really appreciate the info on GZ Rocket!! Continue to patiently look forward to news on the first sales completed!!! And hopefully sooner than later!! AMFE $4 LIFE!!!