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06/21/17 10:14 AM

#30275 RE: wdy109 #30269

Giving us FREE stock in a new company is massive news (to me)... and anything with Roger running it can climb thousands of percent.

It could be worth several pennies on top of your AMFE gains...

Its massive to Roger because he knows what is being planned behind the scene... He would not do this if he didn't ALREADY have significant events lining up. This is the point people need to remember. He is not putting in all this effort for nothing.


06/21/17 10:26 AM

#30295 RE: wdy109 #30269

This is exactly what's coming. No doubt in my mind.

anything less than a big rollout of GroZone equipment and/or a ~$3 million deal (or larger) with S&L shouldn't/won't be considered to be "massive news".


06/21/17 10:28 AM

#30296 RE: wdy109 #30269

This is precisely why this should be considered massive news. The company has found a way to give us shares without diluting the current stock ( the one that we care about), while not affecting the core of the company, which is S&L and Grozone.


06/21/17 10:41 AM

#30302 RE: wdy109 #30269

Apparently, others agree with you. " but I'm very disappointed that the dividends were what was considered to be "massive news." "

Although we are treating it as wonderful news, and I think it WILL mean more profit for us down the road, it is not what most were expecting. After all, if a company is trading for 100% of its value (regardless of what that "value" is, or if it is undervalued or overvalued. Just an illustration guys.) and you split it, then you are saying you are giving 80% of that value to one side, and 20% tot he other side. It is still worth 100%. NO real gain. UNLESS, and i DO believe this is true here, by being separate the two sides shall grow to a value of 95% on the one side and 40% on the other side. Then you have 135% and you are up. Here's what I mean by that.

If AMFE can grow on its own, and not feel like the play is being diluted by a snowplowing subsidiary (I know. it is more than that. Just saying) then that side may be better off without the other side. As for the other 20%, notice he said he is looking for an acquisition. I think THIS may be the entire reason for the split. Important information hidden in the middle of this post. If he has an idea already of a new acquisition, it may be a riskier deal. New acquisitions normally are. It might be a bonanza, but it could turn into a dud. SO why risk the potential of the entire company on this risk? YOU already have a profitable arm, so split the risky off into another entity, and make the buy. Then, if it goes well, the spinoff does great. If it fails, the spin-off dies, and that no longer affects the larger portion of the company. You have safeguarded the larger part of the company. Make sense? This spin off allows Roger to buy something he apparently already has his eyes on, and yet not risk what has already worked. It IS a good idea, and it IS better for us shareholders, as now we hvae the potential for a second great rise, but without the risk of that second play ruining the first positive business he has built.

To me, that is the reason we did this spin off. A good reason, but different than the reason most are thinking of. Most investors don't think that deep into the reason. I've BEEN a CFO. I've been a CEO. I look at these things with a different eye. And that is my take on the spin off.


06/21/17 11:00 AM

#30318 RE: wdy109 #30269

I think the people that are disappointed about the news are focusing far too much on the word "massive" in the tweet, instead of the statement Roger made as a whole. Roger is clearly a player that not only thinks one or two steps ahead but many steps ahead, and as such is probably also very deliberate in the wording he chooses. He didn't just say it was going to be "massive news" which could have meant any number of announcements about whatever deals are in the works, he said it would be massive news related to rewarding the loyal shareholders who have been with AMFE along the ride. Taking the statement as a whole I think it is massive news, and I also think jrf is bang on in his reasoning behind the spin-off.


06/21/17 11:20 AM

#30331 RE: wdy109 #30269

I did not get in for Interloc, but I saw it as crucial part of the entity. Maybe you should look into the sector so you will understand how big interloc will be in a best case scenario. They are planning to franchise and pay dividends at some point.