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Watts Watt

02/18/17 10:14 AM

#109221 RE: rige #109217

The point is this. The introduction of Steipp's first commercial product to the world marketplace under his regime was his/LQMT's responsibility to make sure the product to be showcased as such was totally up to Liquidmetal standards.

You have absolved Liquidmetal of any responsibility at all.

They chose Miltner to be their first commercial production. A world class company sets its standards and can insist they prevail to a prospective customer. If the customer MA can't meet LQMT's standards of excellence, then they should have been dismissed from the gitgo. But there was no one standing up for LQMT's interests.
It is clear as day.

Extreme oversight on first commercial introduction is a hell of a lot more important to LQMT's interests, which is what management and shareholders concern themselves with.

It is LQMT's responsibility to assure that they select the right commercial party to work with, especially on such a touted introduction.

Business should be run as a business and not as a "WOW WEE Look at that" R and D play yard. Any executive worth his salt knows this.
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02/18/17 10:20 AM

#109223 RE: rige #109217

Well, a mirror finish on a tactical knife isn't quite what is needed. I'm glad I have my knife....its the "first"
production item in Liquid will be worth THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS....when LiquidMEtal
gets going...especially with the production number on it.

People need to get out and about and perhaps put it in their mind that perhaps nothing will happen at all......and then deal with life without the will keep ones sanity......I can't get excited about this at all...right at the time when so much seems to be about to happen......

And that's a healthy attitude to have. I have no dreams attached to LQMT. I'll drive my Camry until

I have to shoot it. Its like an old friend with lots of memories. If anyone lives up can have the dream of a winter home in Florida.....I can't. I'm already here...and I'M LOVIN IT !!!!!!
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02/18/17 10:43 AM

#109229 RE: rige #109217

Mirror finish is the customer requirement/contract for the knife.

Is that true? If not, Dick Miltner has NO RIGHT to complain.

At the end of the day, that is the only thing that matter. How the product is being produced at what cost is not customer's responsibility.

e.g. what if the customer is Apple looking for jet black finish?
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Watts Watt

02/18/17 1:31 PM

#109240 RE: rige #109217

I sent a copy of this post to Richard Miltner.
He does not go by the name Dick.
I will be interested to see what his legal response to the post is.