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What am I missing. Birds of a feather…
LQMT missed the boat again
They tout its biocompatibility and it’s used for stents and other things that end up in the body. The stents are coated but still it’s nothing you want to replace if a problem arises.. Its magnetic properties are interesting in that they vary with temperature but it’s still OK to enter an MRI without concern. Unusual. Each of the crystalline structures has different magnetic properties.
Informative thanks, my original thought was nickel is an irritant why would this be used in a wearable application even though it is coated.
Could be a great application for Liquidmetal
Nitinol…a nickel-titanium alloy is not an amorphous alloy. It is crystalline that shifts between two crystalline orientations depending upon temperature. That being said, it mimics the behavior of BMGs. It’s magnetic. Sells for $300-400 a pound in medical applications
This looks very interesting.......and the mention of "amorphous".......I like it.
It's interesting at best.
This video makes me think of robotics and glasses
The updated earhook has been rebuilt with a super-light nickel-titanium alloy that is renowned in material design for its exceptional shape memory and flexibility."
Off topic….I guess Elon Musk never heard of the Dixie Chicks.
“It’s probably a PR problem that will go away.”
No mention of this in the 10K? Where is IB? should have been deleted?
It’s why I posted it. The parts the products are what caught my attention. They are current.
Old news..incorporated in 2001. Year of Establish: 2001.08.04. and the link goes to our website.
That is a little confusing, a South Korean company based in California and dealing in consumer electronics. That's us? Wonder when it was established in S Korea, sounds like something TC might have been involved in. Another dotted line for LL's maze.
i couldn't find where S1 says "adjusted for splits" so if that is true, since LLCs have big voting power now they could vote yea for one-for-five (or more) reverse split to get share price to .20+ then scoop up shares at .16
What gives?…
Final score: Yangde Li 40 LQMT 0
So much for all of those millions of reasons Li owns in la la land.
Just a sample.
If I was going to make a choice between TC and IHub I would choose TC!
Well I have netted twice and still green on 135 shares left over so MOVE has been a decent move for me. I expect it to go higher too from
ring sales and now with the upcoming wrist band. You question though about the 4 LLC's poses a thought. If there ever is a RS in the near
future it will come after other news that sends this much higher with some insider buying prior. Not worried unless we continue with nothing from
Toyota or other places with nothing but silence. Just don't think that will be the case though...hopium perhaps. At least now there is something to
base the hopium upon.
Doesn't "Putting it back the way you found it" just return LQMT to the nothingness / no progress made that LQMT shareholders here have had to endure all these years?
?? - Tomcat
Think about it!
Did TC spend $50,000 of his own money?
Did Li spend $50,000 of his own money on lqmt shares.
Remember the chatter constantly reminding everybody day in and day out that we have not had a contract in three years.
The constant chatter that we are going lower.
Sounds to me like TC is taking a gamble, a risk like the rest of us are taking based on the chatter box.
But now they want to convince everyone that TC has no risk or taking a gamble buying his 1 million shares with his own money.
Nothing wrong with that, nothing illegal. Maybe he has HOPE. Maybe he sees the progress in revenues the last few quarters and believes there will be more. Maybe the current and potential clients are part of his reason. Maybe he believes in Li.
Like I said I will go with TC! I do think he has a better understanding of the company and its positioning for the future than the chatter box.
In any of your numerous communications with Li, have you discussed the “false” statements being perpetuated on this board?
Do you know the meaning of bullshit?
“He’s an insider who owns a million shares. And he has NEVER lost with his gamble in LQMT!”
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, but for once I agree with you. TC, the insider, seems to sell shares just before the sp crashes. It’s almost like he has a crystal ball or insider information. The ethical standard of our leadership is beyond reproach. LOL
You ought to know. Regarding transparency and honesty. It’s how you started out on ihub. Remember? You and LL?
And just to set the record straight. TC never gambled on LQMT. ( that could be grounds for an SEC investigation depending on what he gambled on) you got insider info on that? You want to be more transparent about TC’s LQMT gambling? That’s a new one for me.
Heck he’s been accused of a lot of things. But gambling is not one of them. If anyone is gambling on LQMT, it is the outside shareholder, not the inside shareholder. You know…it’s a dice roll!
And every gain he has made has been at your expense. Shareholder dilution and operating expenses in the black and white factual sense. And failure to succeed in the gray area factual sense. Look it up.
What’s that saying ? “People who live in glasshouses should not throw stones.”?
You might want to rephrase that statement in your post so as to not accuse the whole board of being dishonest or less honest to this;….
If I was going to make a choice between TC and myself, I would choose TC! The ihub board, might agree with you.
Mind you it won’t be an easy choice. :)
About as transparent and honest as the chatter I hear on IHub!
If I was going to make a choice between TC and IHub I would choose TC!
He’s an insider who owns a million shares. And he has NEVER lost with his gamble in LQMT!
Factual statements on this board!
Maybe the transfer price was $0.16 to prove to someone…(a bank or other financial institution) that the value of the remaining shares he holds are worth more than the current market price.
If i remember correctly 0.16 cents per share was his cost in the original share purchase when he bought shares back in 2016 so he is just getting his money back out anyway he can. I believe he has 25 % remaining of his shares. If and when he sells those he will be able to walk away scott free and wont have to look at any one of us in the eyes and wipe his hands clean of the California part of the business, if .... that is in the intent.
If not, then the mystery company continues until it does something or it doesn't.
Mr. Roo: it's Lutos Capital LLC. Not the shoelace company.
It's in the S-1 that got quote....
"The reported securities are directly held by Lutos Capital, LLC ("Lutos Capital"), and may be deemed to be beneficially owned by Anthony Pong, as the Manager of Lutos Capital."
I think we should all try and make factual statements here.
They anticipate an explanation or even....(gulp)....transparency about the situation???
Then it would be Lugee Li who needs to speak.
Tony Chung will have a non-definitive, half baked answer if he even addresses it at all. Example, he may have words about how Lugee Li's shares can undergo this elaborate private placement. Not the motivation of these LLCs, not the management structure 3 years from now, not how we are going to revolutionize shoelaces, not specific information on who these LLCs really are, in other words; touching on some minor issue but the situation will remain as clear as mud. Liquidmetal has never been forthcoming or transparent, and; they never will be.
Apparently, according to the folks over on the DISCORD site, TC will explain the transaction to us shareholders on the year-end conference call. That'd be great because we're all confused and in the dark about what it means. And I'm in synch with ALMOST on this issue: either we hit a grand slam in 2-3 years or ......
I really have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes with that transaction with the 4 LLC’s.
But I think in thee years I will either be filthy rich from my investment in lqmt, or my shares will be worthless.
I hold the perpetual lottery ticket on account of the former possibility.
How’s that for an interpretation?
Why 0.16 rather than 0.04?
The whole deal as we understand it makes no sense, right? Some unknown group has signed a contract to overpay by 3X for this crumby pink sheets company--3 years from now. We think they are borrowing the money to do so. On top of all that, and I understand you firmly believe that Lugee Li personally bought LQMT, but he is doing a switch-a-roo in the terminology of his shares order to make this deal go through. This contract of his of partial divestment is the only action of his regarding LQMT in the past 3 or 4 years (excluding: signing quarterlies or end of year filings). So yeah, as much as I'd like this all to be a positive indication or future share appreciation or potential new owners making LQMT shoelaces; there is a lot of red flags and head scratching in the way of me seeing dollarland.
I understand you and I have two completely different viewpoints. I lightly analyze this whole situation and I don't ask "How can this benefit me?" I ask "How is this benefiting the parties directly involved?". In doing so, the only thing I can come up with is that the the deal is really about something else. The shares of LQMT are just fence to legitimize or maybe "Americanize" the transaction for the other thing. More thoughts on that later, but I think what is really being sold is some metallurgical machinery in Asia, some other Asian small business Lugee is in cahoots with that we are unaware of, perhaps some metallurgical process that ol' Professor Lugee patented years ago, or......some type of consultation agreement for some type of business that has nothing to do with shoelaces.
I'm going with 3 years of Lugee Li consultation services but it really could be anything--even a future sale of our mothballed equipment in Arizona 'cause the timing is right of this contract announcement and the termination of the Euctix deal.
Whenever the stock hits .50 cents. GOD willing. Its good to know…On what? Contracts or adrenaline? Because if it is hype and pump, and gullibility like the last time. It’s going to tank back down faster than the elevator it went up on with snapped cables. Because IMO, most long terms will probably dump between 80% to 90% of their stock at 0.50 cents.
Also keep in mind the added share dilution when the current and former execs dump their options.
Not the one you just imagined exists. I’m talking about the ones that do exist in the 10k and filed sec forms of those executives who departed. PH is still an options holder.
At that point the company is worth roughly about $460 million.
Why 0.16 rather than 0.04? Who in the US would try transfer them too?
We got the circumvention and the scrutiny part down, squarely hitting the nail on the head.
It’s the reasons which prompted him to do it that runs into infinity for the separation of shares. The reasons to divest temporarily.
They can go from the improbability of the stock actually hitting.16 cents or a little higher per share to where China is made whole at .16cents the original average price paid for by Eontec to buy/borrow in perpetuity the IP and the 4 shells divy up the the gains outside of ccp hands. To a conflict of interest lawsuit or anywhere in between. To just selling them at whatever price they are at that point off market.
One thing was screwy. When those shares were issued I publicly stated that I could not find anywhere, where TS The former CEO or LQMT issued them as restricted stock as if LL was an employee. He was not. Then all of a sudden LQMT rushes in to reclassify his shares as common unrestricted stock. That is just a side bar issue.
THATS WHERE IM RACKING MY AMOEBA BRAIN CELL. The necessity to temporarily divest?
Incase anyone forgot the Eontec LQMT agreement is in perpetuity.
IMHO, I think there is an excellent chance that the purported buyers a “straw men.” THEORY: Li couldn’t sell the shares to the real recipient without public disclosure. So, the straw men engage in the sham transaction (keeping individual share amounts to less than 5%), and then they transfer their shares to the intended real recipient without any SEC reporting requirements.
You can’t really describe it as a “stock option,” because they are already the legal owners of the stock. Technically, they aren’t waiting a couple of years to decide whether to exercise an option, they have already bought the shares and are now legally indebted to Li.
“The reasons for why LL dumped shares on paper may be legal ones or done to circumvent restrictions or something else entirely.”
You have that exactly right. It is one hell of an interesting coincidence that all of these “investors” bought exactly the same number of shares at just slightly less than 5% of the total share number, and therefore escape SEC filing requirements and scrutiny. Circumvention completed.