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IH Geek [Dave]

08/23/06 12:05 AM

#71647 RE: Tenchu #71635

>To me, the TOU standard should be applied equally.

The only place you will find that imaginary panacea is on a site that takes in maybe a few dozen posts a day. Any expectation of that on a site that takes in over a hundred thousand posts a week are mismanaged expectations. Untold numbers of users have started their own sites with the goal of building a better terms compliance/enforcement mousetrap. I've yet to see one accomplish it.

And why should Greg S be banned on a charge that IMO amounts to civil disobedience? Just because Greg personally rubbed YOU the wrong way?

The licence plate example you used was public display on public property. This is a private business, not a publicly owned street. Is a restaurant, grocery store, bar, theater, sports franchise, or any other private business obliged to continue to allow a patron to remain if they are constantly engaged in "civil disobedience" or abusive toward the operators? Of course not. They are free to have them take their business elsewhere.

If someone as antagonistic towards the site as Greg has been can't find the door, I believe we have every right to show it to them.

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08/26/06 11:47 AM

#71879 RE: Tenchu #71635


You, Greg and all the posters I have sent pms to have conducted a long-term campaign of many years of disrupting the thread I moderate with spam and personal attacks and of continuing this disruption and personal attacks on the thread you frequent. The pms were just reminders to you that I am reporting as TOS violations any more off-topic personal attack threads you decide to create on the board you frequent. The fact they may have been strongly worded in certain cases was in response to the severe abuse that you post collectively about me such as this for instance and many others which have been removed

To act as the innocent party here is quite laughable and farcical but befits one with your lack of objectivity. Frankly I agree with the banning of Greg, he has not contributed positively to any thread here for years being more of an agent provacateur instead. Surprisingly he has contributed positively and on-topic to the SI INTC thread more in a couple of days than he did here in years so it was only a lack of will not ability for which he has only himself to blame. Also when you stopped discussing me on the Ihub INTC thread for a couple of days recently the discussions were actually quite interesting which just shows how useless, diverting, counterproductive and pointless all those threads were about me.

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08/26/06 12:26 PM

#71882 RE: Tenchu #71635

Tenchu, as an aside I can't override any ignore feature which is just more misinformation you are spreading in your attempts to remove a major obstacle in disrupting the AMD thread like you once did. You just are not using it properly. You have to click on block private messages from the user in question and then click ignores on. It's easy, ask tecate who has been able to manage this apparently complicated procedure successfully ;-).
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08/26/06 1:12 PM

#71889 RE: Tenchu #71635

Tenchu, lest anyone be in any doubt that you purposely troll the AMD board you yourself admit it here

'Two of my posts have already been "moderated." Granted, I was ridiculing the posts of the moderator more than I was pumping Intel.'

How can you be expected to be taken seriously with purposely disruptive behaviour like this ? I became moderator of the AMD board to stop behaviour like this and those not involved in this behaviour have expressed gratitude and thanks for my efforts in which I have believe I have been successful.