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08/10/06 3:57 PM

#7891 RE: Big On Tarvy #7890

BOT: If SK does indeed have evidence of “something that really takes place several days later that … leads to longer-term effects,”

This is what I was trying to elucidate from the Guinnea pig model data. At one day post treatment the pfu/ml had decreased compared to controls from just less than about 10^7 to just less than 10^6. By day six the difference was a little bigger (closer to 10^5 for Bavi). Then at some point half the pigs go to "virus free" state. Does clearance accelerate? I'd like to see the data.

Katie is right to point out that there's a leap between pigs with hemorrhagic fever and chronic HCV in humans. I should throw in the caveat that the pigs that eventually go "virus free" are the ones that lived. The viral titers at days 1 and 6 I assume are averages of the pigs treated with Bavi, some of whom won't respond. Would be interesting to know the viral loads at days 1 and 6 of the pigs who went on to clearance vs. bavi pigs who died.

Back to waiting for the human data.
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08/10/06 3:58 PM

#7892 RE: Big On Tarvy #7890


absolutely right. SK said they're seeing evidence of an adaptive response.

(and the single dose data proved it conclusively).

- which should really be no surprise, since the PS is blocked,which is now understood to be the fundamental point - "square one" in terms of successful evasion of the immune system, which happens to be THE common mechanism exploited by cancer, virus, malaria, and many other pathogens.

Going after various antigens that show up in the tumor envoironment, or going after growth factors etc, etc, are all 'farther downstream', and, as effective as some strategies may be, they are not dealing with the most fundamental and pervasive factor that saps the strength of the immune system- exposed PS.

By changing that fundamental and earliest of events in the pathogenesis of all the above mentioned diseases and disease states, the INNATE response is "allowed" to really do its thing, and the adaptive response follows right along behind it.
That's how it works for most things, - except in the apoptosis pathway, which again- is what all these diseases have been hiding behind.

My only issue with all this bavi stuff all along has been, "is it safe?". (because it simply HAS to work, it really can't NOT stick to PS, thereby changing the immune response). For me safety was the issue all along, and it's looking very very good.

it makes perfect sense to be safe too, anyway.

PS- I like how you threw in that Gates name..