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10/03/16 12:48 PM

#33918 RE: skidoo31 #33917

This is total BULLSHIT as usual

You do know that offering TAUG settlement $$$$ is an admission of guilt right?

Offers to settle an argument ARE NOT considered admissions of guilt.

You will find statements like...
"without admitting or denying"
in virtually all settlements with the SEC (for example)...



10/03/16 12:58 PM

#33919 RE: skidoo31 #33917

You do know that offering TAUG settlement $$$$ is an admission of guilt right?

Litigants settle because, guilt or not, there comes a time in the case where the only ones making money are the lawyers. Just like every criminal in prison is innocent, every litigant wants their day in court. That's poop and what isn't poop is posturing. Sethie was offered less than the $250K while Mr. Berman figured the case was worth $250K. So mush for the April Johnnys and their seven figures and Seth's claim to Mr. Berman that is was $700K.

It was all a bunch of lies. All IMO.


10/03/16 1:35 PM

#33922 RE: skidoo31 #33917

No, it would not have been proper, legally for the judge to try and rule for the case to be dismissed when the case was brought before the wrong court in the first place. That is what the judge should have done......sent it off to the correct court. Or if legal, flat out dismiss on grounds of wrong venue. Then make them file in the correct court system.

Sticking around? Well what the hell else are any of TAUG or the BOD supposed to do? The lawsuit is literally all they have left at this they are pouring full force anything and everything into this to get something back.

And I will give them one thing and one thing only at this point......they haven't bolted for the door yet and resigned positions and left. Otherwise.....still no fan of this group, situation or what all has happened.