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09/16/16 4:59 PM

#634 RE: Topfuel #632

Thank you for saying such nice things. Much appreciated.

You may have hit on something regarding bailing on ALDW in lieu of greater opportunity in CVRR. No way to know, of course, but for every action, there's always a reaction, right? So I loaded up on ALDW today, adding 1,300 units at silly valuations, in my opinion.

I unloaded some MDR and even a few NGL units which are quite sacred in my heart. Today was an ideal moment to be picking up ALDW as we have every reason to expect things to begin to reset towards normal next week. And if Monday should prove otherwise, I've got room to add some more ALDW. And I won't hesitate to do so.

CVRR has been gradually building all week, tacking on gains daily, I believe. In my mind the gains were not always justified but strange things can inhabit levitating investors. lol Then again, lots of smart investors are probably thinking I'm quite the a-hole for building a 9,200 unit position in ALDW. If I weren't comfortable with my choice, I'd not have done it, obviously. I figure this pick is greatly undervalued and should be righting itself at some point in the next month or so. I can wait as I'm not carrying any there's not much pressure.

CVRR is becoming more and more interesting, of course. By the way, that $2 gain has been re-calibrated by Ameritrade with the "new" market closing price set at $10.10. This equates to a gain today of 99 cents. I'll take it!

Odd but I feel dirty. Some stocks we like, a few we love and then there are those we hang around for, smelling opportunity for unearned profits, whatever those might be. Every year I get involved with CVRR and invariably make some decent money yet I always feel like a pimp. It's foolish of me, certainly, for I'm using my own resources and experiences, too. Yet it's always easy money and I have never actually liked the company. NTI, ALDW, CEQP, LADR, and NGL most definitely---all have rewarded most amply and I've respected each. CVRR is another animal.

I'd appreciate comments on this from others as I see there's something quite illogical here. After all, what's to dislike when you profit from a pick? Where is it written that we have to respect the company? I see these things yet seem to be trapped.