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09/16/16 12:48 PM

#353061 RE: yambike #353049

Think appeals will decide in favor of govt.

The Ky, Va, De courts likely telepathied their decision with the DC courts. They would not have rushed to ruling if they foresaw likelihood of reversal later.


09/16/16 2:00 PM

#353071 RE: yambike #353049

And up is down, and down is up...

What are you talking about?

Writing an affirm would take very little time indeed.

On the other hand, writing a judgement that sends back to Lamberth will take a while on a bunch of fronts. First, the judges have to discuss to the point where 2 or 3 come to agreement. Takes a while on some obscure issues.

Then grinding through some difficult legal issues to write a clear and productive judgement, disposing of some wrong headed lines of reasoning from government, giving careful directions to Lamberth so he cannot royally mess things up again.

...take a while to get a judgement sending back or reversing.