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09/05/16 1:35 PM

#351731 RE: bradford86 #351730

That was in FEBRUARY. No. I am not interested in re-reviewing ancient history.

I can't speak to the content or relevancy of 11,292 documents. What I can say is that any of them that have to do with the Black Rock/ Aladdin's super-computer system will remain subject to secrecy and privilege, and with very good reason. The national security could be seriously compromised by this highly sensitive technology, somewhat analogous to releasing the nuclear launch codes for the destruction of financial markets in the U.S..

Judge Sweeney will NEVER release these documents. Doing so could cause irreparable harm to Black Rock and lead to an enormous lawsuit for exposing corporate secrets by the court. This will NEVER happen. Sweeney is a very experienced judge. She will never risk impeachment for treason by compromising national security. Care to disagree?

See, I actually think that the Black Rock stuff may well be the actual crux of Timothy Geithner's decision to enact Amendment 3. This probably was the justification used to wind down the GSEs. I have been resistant to introducing it as a discussion point and had no urgency to do so since no other pundit ever chose to mention what I viewed as sacrosanct material, unsuitable for public consumption. Now that you elected to inject it into the dialog, it must be understood for the risks public pressure-to-expose may focus on our country's financial system. I am convinced that it explains the seeming euphoria at UST when Amendment 3 went through. Where I disagree is that it was a shield for some unseemly ulterior motive or supported some other preservation of the GSEs being healthy conclusion.

Either way, I see no way where Judge Sweeney is going to release any doc's that support the premise that no risk existed to threaten the GSEs ability to repay its bailouts except via circular borrowing of money to repay money already funded once by taxpayers. Not if ANY of it comes from Aladdin-based super-computer technology that our global adversaries would love to either understand better or potentially acquire.

I actually view it as a disservice to our country that you chose to bring so sensitive a technology to the forefront. Making $$$ is one thing. Compromising our nation is another.