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08/22/16 11:27 PM

#32641 RE: Det_Robert_Thorne #32640

Glad to see you still have a sense of humor, DET!

No added BBQ to Guardlite? For cooking the fabled weed sausages?

Interesting on the notes.

The Authorized is still 10 BILLION?

Thanks for the review.


08/23/16 9:20 AM

#32642 RE: Det_Robert_Thorne #32640

And where does the R/S stand?


08/23/16 9:42 PM

#32661 RE: Det_Robert_Thorne #32640

Yeah, I'm sure Winters will show up here justifying new notes LOL. Hundreds of millions of more shares to hit at some point. Not sure - other than his salary - why a note would be issued. No sales were generated. What could they have marketing expenses on? What an outright sad case. Hopefully he'll be shut down soon.

CEO keeps crying no one will merge w/o an RS. Do you think the new notes are going to attract any magical weed sausage candidates. Still scratching my head on what new notes are for...oh, wait, that's right. Need $ to file SEC RS paperwork. Gotta love it right?


09/23/16 12:27 PM

#33015 RE: Det_Robert_Thorne #32640

Det. Thorne I think you should put out an APB on the perp for grand theft robbery on a massive scale . Close all main roads and airports.