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we are both better off at mullen !!!
Instead of just revoking their registration, why doesn't the SEC arrest these people? The SEC is allowing the crooks to win repeatedly.
I hear you but don't ask me why.
I guess it's an addiction...
You're quite welcome. I sincerely hope that OTC investors stop buying stock in SEC registered OTC stocks that are severely delinquent in filing Financials.
Another one bites the dust - thanks Renee.
I remember you mentioned that. They probably got tired of receiving hate email.
Yeah, I'm sure you're right about that. I know this isn't a good thing, but someone removed the contact email from the website sometime within the last six months. So someone did that.
Copyright year on websites are usually automatically updated.
It's been about 11 days since I emailed David Lithwick. I did not get a response. It's not surprising. The only sign of life from NGEN in the last 2 years is that the website was updated again. It now shows 2022.
Remember Tomorrow
You're welcome. Happy New Year!
Thank you jhnvtjll. I very much appreciate your assistance. If I get any info, I will let you know. Thanks and Happy New Year.
Remember Tomorrow
In case someone else is still keeping an eye on this, here's what I can tell you. The NGEN website used to have an email address listed under the "Contact" section. They haven't replied to any email I've sent in easily over a year, but they had before that.
I noticed that the email address has been removed from the website. I still know the email address so I sent another email to ask why they removed the address and of course I have not gotten a response.
The takeaway from this?
1) On one hand, it's nice to know that someone must think it's important to still tinker with the website rather than just shut it down.
2) On the other hand, this company seems to be doing whatever it can to make it impossible for anyone to contact them.
Remember Tomorrow
I can't argue that.
What site are you looking at? The NGEN Technologies website looks the same and I see no mention of Brian.
Site has been updated a bit. No contact info. Looks like Brian is CEO again.
Yikes. Let's hope that's not accurate.
6 billion shares is the OS! WTF? If they're adding the shares back before the RS than I should have all my shares back from before the split!
Thanks for the the info. That's certainly a positive sign. I just tried to put in an order on TD Ameritrade and they would not accept my trade. Hopefully we're not dead yet.
Good Luck,
Remember Tomorrow
They're trading. There's volumn
No, not trading due to a new Sec rule that suspended a lot of sketchy companies with NGRP being one of them. I’m not sure if NGRP can ever recover. What makes no sense is that if they were simply a scam company, they didn’t play it well at all. The pps was soaring and they squashed it by talking up a reverse split. Most scam companies pretend that they aren’t going to do a r/s. NGEN was to the other extreme. Something doesn’t add up here.
Not likely. The company never bothered to respond to the SEC.
I do not hold any shares. I sold everything while there was still a bid.
Do you think there is any chance we come out of this okay?
You're welcome.
Thank you very much.
Is anyone still out there? If so, does anyone think NGRP will ever come off suspension? Do you think they will ever release any sort of financials? Do you think they have any revenue or was all of it a lie?
I'm trying to hold on to hope that although the accounting firm said the financials could not be relied upon, that there are at least some revenues. If it's even just a quarter of what they had claimed, it would be enough for a big gain here.
Of course since it's been so long that you would think they would have said something by now if there was anything positive to say.
Good luck to all (which is probably just me)
Remember Tomorrow
Maybe the suspension will have a positive effect. It sounds like NGEN will have to submit some sort of financials. As long as they have to prepare them, maybe we will get a chance to see something.
Maybe the suspension will have a positive effect. It sounds like NGEN will have to submit some sort of financials. As long as they have to prepare them, maybe we will get a chance to see something.
He certainly didn’t help me. Even after his deal was done, he continued to post about NGEN being big. I don’t know if they fooled him or if he was playing us, but I trusted that it was true and it cost me dearly.
CONway hasn’t gone very far
Welcome to OZSCAM and CONway
Thank you for the post Renee. You have just provided us with infinitely more info on the company than NGEN has in the past 2 years. I have been hoping that I haven't been the victim of another OTC scam, and was hoping that eventually something positive might happen. This info effectively puts the nail in my coffin for this investment, but at least we'll know it's officially over. These scammers should be severely punished.
Remember Tomorrow
NGRP SEC Suspension for severely delinquent Financials:
Admin. Proceeding:
Brian told me he never got paid for the LIBE shell. He acts like he has no interest about it either! I would think a low OS shell would have value and he would be very interested. He gave us zero insight to what is going on. Something smells really fishy!! I emailed Ngen Tech a few months back and they answered a few questions. The two CEO's claimed they were forced out. Sounded like BS to me. Then they asked me how many shares I have, my price point and if I'd like to sell my shares to them. I started averaging down some after that "they don't call me bagholder for nothing" my average currently about 33cents a share. Anyhow I continued to email them and I got an email claiming that Ngen tech Canada owns that email and was only letting Ngen Tech borrow it. I e-mailed back and told whoever it is answering the emails that was some of the biggest BS I've ever heard,right up there with 3D Tech without glasses and making mufflers for? Anyhow no gorilla anywhere to be seen. He must be hiding where Brian has his self powered security lights. Strange he has no interest in getting his shell back he wasn't compensated for!?? All of this stinks of one giant scam. Maybe the shareholders from LIBE and NGRP should make a SEC complaint? If Ngen tech claimed millions in revenue of Audited Financials and claimed 100's of millions of dollars in orders of 3d without glasses just in time for Christmas 2019 where is all the money at??? The SEC really should be investigating this!!!!!!
Who was that former CEO ? His name ?
uber darthium Saturday, 03/20/21 10:26:52 PM
Re: Remember Tomorrow post# 86272 0
Post # of 86276
Just call CONway at his latest SCAM OZSC, better known as OZESCAM
I think the number is 800-CON-SCAM
or 883-826-6929 (or 88F-UCONway)
I am pretty sure those are the numbers I recall
So much for the 350 million pound gorilla. Absurd that the former ceo blasted investors who were upset about how they handled the reverse split. He actually suggested that investors should be grateful that NGEN took control of the company. 2 years later does anyone feel lucky?
Hopefully they are ignoring the SEC. I hear there are a lot of stocks getting delisted
Just call CONway at his latest SCAM OZSC, better known as OZESCAM
I think the number is 800-CON-SCAM
or 883-826-6929 (or 88F-UCONway)
I am pretty sure those are the numbers I recall
Does anyone know the phone number for NGEN? They don’t respond to any emails and I can’t find a listing for a phone number for them. If they’re not going to respond to my emails, I’d like to try to call. Thanks in advance.
Remember Tomorrow
What happened with Conway with this company? I heard lots of mixed things but also heard he was always honest but things just didn’t pan out as he hoped. Any information on what actually went down would be appreciated.
CONway luring his sheep to slaughter over in OZESCAM
Cause everyone here has been conned by him
Hi, I am a newbie here. Why do investors call him CONway ?