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07/29/16 5:53 AM

#67845 RE: maverick_1 #67843

Some inadvertent omissions to add:

A third & fourth potential (down towards the end of the message) but as likely as the other two:
3) in throes of AA for L
4) Incubator $Owed

That should be it.


07/29/16 6:25 AM

#67846 RE: maverick_1 #67843

Great post's last night Mav and yes out of our hands .... But now our time has come these painful weeks will be a distant memory.


07/29/16 7:54 AM

#67859 RE: maverick_1 #67843

Investors do not care about that NWBO investigation.

Investors will impressed only by clear and incontrovertibly positive news about DCVax or about partnerships that will bring in revenue and serial toxic dilution.

Granted, a published negative finding would hammer NWBO shares.

But Ms. Powers knows that too and it is my understanding she and not Mr. Black decided when and maybe even if the results of that investigation are released.

In any case, no matter how good those investigative findings sound, most investors will disregard positive findings by investigators handpicked by Ms. Powers.

Even those who believe positive findings will not care. Lots of biotechs with honest executives fail.

Accusations against shadowy short sellers by Mr. Black will likewise provide, at most provide a brief tonic for our share price because he does not have subpoena or arrest power and guess what, fingering those shorts did not work for the Washington Post (the paper that destroyed Nixon) so it will not work for a private investigator either.


07/29/16 9:17 AM

#67866 RE: maverick_1 #67843

Mev, appreciated your posts which are well written in essence thought may not be in term of English rules.

But, I don't agree with your conclusion about NW regarding future financing. It's a commercial world, anything could happen; as a matter of fact, the least likely possibility may be the most likely possibility. NW could be next financier again as long as 1) NDA is not breached and 2) LP's control stake is not challenged.

After all, LP and NW's interests are aligned though not in the same proportion. For LP it is dead and alive, or NW it is a peanut, though a significant one.

I also agreed with you on that most posters are non contributors which are fine for me. But I don't waste my time in any message board full of "little" guys, mostly for a few pennies gain in either way long or short, let alone those assigned to post in message board by hedge funds, who can be readily identified from the very beginning.

While I am bitter some times, I am happier since I have averaged down my huge holding significantly lower.

I have bought almost every day since the price hit around $0.7. Now I would resume my observer status: reading selected posts while posting spontaneously.

But, I do appreciate all those longs who have spent their invaluable time to rebuke all the naysayers!

God bless and bye now.


07/29/16 10:19 AM

#67878 RE: maverick_1 #67843

For all to ponder: with the entanglement mess brought on by NW since Nov 2015 that IMHO threw ALL of LP's plans really askew AND THE accompanying DEVASTATION of NWBO shs, CEO LP was put in a CRISIS MODE by NW! I can't see how anyone would think differently!

Me either!


07/29/16 10:29 AM

#67880 RE: maverick_1 #67843

Thanks Mav for your thoughts. Understanding that English is a second language helps (thanks Kab). I speak "Southern" and write in English so I understand!
In light of your thoughts concerning Woodford's action (and as you write his lack of DD re NWBO/LP), do you or anyone on the MB know of any employees of Woodford resigning or being terminated since these "missteps"?
By the way, in addition to being a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Harvard Law, LP is the daughter of a US Marine. His positive influence on her life should not be overlooked.



08/03/16 2:18 PM

#68414 RE: maverick_1 #67843

Great post Maverick! Must read of what is happening.