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06/01/16 2:41 PM

#191409 RE: On2_addict #191407

just quoting a r/s expert we ll see tomorrow
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06/01/16 2:51 PM

#191415 RE: On2_addict #191407

"Not in the near Future" was the answer DP gave concerning a R/S.

Why is this subject so interesting when it is clear that DP said that?

He did mention R/S if plans were in place to uplist.

It is already known that without Marijuana being re-scheduled, TRTC cannot do any Banking at the State or Federal level.

That is a requirement for uplisting.

Gotta get this right,Huh

This has been proven over and over again on this Board.


*******************TERRA TECH*********************

Meanwhile back at the Ranch:

The price of Terra Tech keeps going up more and more as We approach the closing of today's market.

$0.3249 and rising according to TDAmeritrade