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05/28/16 10:21 PM

#21724 RE: Grand Poobah #21723

Really? Gee.....I wonder why he has not shown these "titles" to the BCSC? Anyone here that actually believes that LOPEHANDIA has ANYTHING to do with C 1912-2001 after all the court proof that has been posted to the contrary needs to do a reality check on themselves.

I will say this again.....JL has... and never has had, anything to do with C 1912-2001. Has he tried to "back door" his way into the case through the courts?? YES! Has he filed appeals on those losses? YES! Has he filed appeals on the lost appeals? YES! Has he tried to get into the case which is in the Supreme Court... through the civil courts? YES! Has he ever won ANYTHING EVER? NO!

I challenge ANYONE to post PROOF to the contrary.

Oh BTW.....what is all this talk trying to convince everybody that he (JL) is PART of C 1912-2001????? He said a hundred times on this board that he WON C1912-2001 in 2008......funny....I can't find that decision ANYWHERE on the courts website. JL.....mind posting a copy of that decision ?? said just a couple weeks ago that "I can mine it right now if I wished" Really JL???? Then what's the hold up??


05/28/16 10:38 PM

#21725 RE: Grand Poobah #21723

If you are privy to these socalled titles published on sernageomin would you mind posting them here for all to see