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05/20/16 7:11 AM

#62378 RE: Adam_Feuerstein #62376

You claim:

What you'll eventually come to realize is that my work on NWBO was not an attempt to bash the company or drive down the price of the stock. What I was doing was providing you a B.S.-free analysis and interpretation of events as they played out. My work was a warning that the company was not telling you the whole truth. I was trying to help you, and I will continue to do that.

Yes the company never told us the following, but you did. Thanks for providing your "B.S.-free analysis and interpretation" and "tell us the whole truth" greatly appreciated!

DCVax-Direct? DCVax-Direct is simply a slurry of off-the-shelf, un-modified dendritic cells injected into a tumor. You could probably inject grapefruit juice into the tumor and get the same result.


05/20/16 7:21 AM

#62379 RE: Adam_Feuerstein #62376

Here we go with the excuses (as I expected).....Simply put, you knowingly write misleading and factually inaccurate information about NWBO and your tweets go even a step further. I truly hope the company takes legal action against you. Misleading investors (and potential patients) by publishing knowingly inaccurate information is both repulsive and punishable under our legal system.

Thank goodness we have real financial journalists that provide an accurate and balanced view:


05/20/16 9:25 AM

#62397 RE: Adam_Feuerstein #62376

That is fair and I can appreciate those attempts of clarity. The problem i have and I am sure others have is that you never find anything positive to report about companies such as NWBO. (Not looking for a handout) You seem to put a negative slant on any press release everytime you say something. Your record on Northwest does not come across as unbiased as it seems you are claiming. Is N.West perfect, no! It is an inmature company trying to learn, but more importantly help those with an unmeant need. You can continue to report how you want about NorthWest but you are not going to change the minds of the die hard longs which have countless hours of D.D. rapped into this company. They know what they own. I can appreciate the constructive issues you raise as companies want everything to seem rosey, but I would have to think there is some data that comes out that makes you think hmm, they may be onto something.


05/20/16 3:26 PM

#62465 RE: Adam_Feuerstein #62376

"What you'll eventually come to realize is that my work on NWBO was not an attempt to bash the company or drive down the price of the stock. What I was doing was providing you a B.S.-free analysis and interpretation of events as they played out. My work was a warning that the company was not telling you the whole truth. I was trying to help you, and I will continue to do that."

Seldom have I read such disingenuous horse manure. We don't need your help.


05/21/16 4:05 AM

#62493 RE: Adam_Feuerstein #62376

Adam, here is some BS-free analysis of your work. You using your bully-pulpit in your writings has 2 insidious effects. You probably know that, but somewhere along the way you sold your soul and thus are able to sleep well at night:

1. The US is probably the only country where there is so much risk-capital going into innovative drug companies. That is why the US is by far the leader in new break-through medical technologies. By passing judgement on clinical trials, where even the sponsor, participants and regulators are blinded (where you couldn't possibly know more than they do), you drive down the stock price and make it more expensive for these companies to raise money to complete their work. This also drives away potential investors who may otherwise take risks because they know that the market is rigged. The ultimate effect is that early stage companies end up spending more than they otherwise have to because all the negative "news" from you from ends up raising the cost of capital. It slows down the trial process and probably contributes to higher drug prices when approved.

2. Secondly, your judgement on drugs still in the clinical trial phase (especially when you don't know more than the sponsors, investigators and regulators) also drives away potential trial participants. The affect: a patient who could have potentially benefited from the treatment probably dies early. Slow enrollment means longer trials and delayed time-to-market where is can potentially benefit thousands more.

Now do you understand where we are coming from when we criticize you?


05/21/16 11:41 AM

#62516 RE: Adam_Feuerstein #62376

What you'll eventually come to realize is that my work on NWBO was not an attempt to bash the company

How about a little basic intellectual honesty at least? You can't be saying this with a straight face.