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05/11/16 4:16 PM

#61293 RE: Pyrrhonian #61291

What evidence do you have to support that.
Anything he has said publicly have been supportive of NWBO,


05/11/16 4:19 PM

#61294 RE: Pyrrhonian #61291

More likely to sue PhaseV and the ambulance chasers..

His best way to recoup his investment is to start re-supporting NWBO after investigation reports. He still has faith in the science, as do most longs.

Shorts wouldn't welcome such a turn of events.


05/11/16 4:34 PM

#61299 RE: Pyrrhonian #61291

Woody can't sue...NWBO's pps took a hit because HE legitimized the phase 5 report! If he sues anyone, it should be his own butt.


05/11/16 4:59 PM

#61302 RE: Pyrrhonian #61291

Who else would do suing NWBO and agree to that?

Right, this has to be Woodford because you think it is. Great evidence supported only by your belief:

Who would do that except Woodford?

It's one plaintiff. That plaintiff agreed with the defending to file a joint motion to hold off on the lawsuit until the investigation is complete.

You think that nobody else would want to limit their court costs by having the benefit of receiving a third party's official investigation report into the whole range of things they claim, instead of paying their attorney to independently cover the same ground to try to prove malfeasance? Or wouldn't want to enjoy having that report in their back pocket when they go to depose the people they're suing?

You think that whatever you imagine has to be the case, arguing only on your own authority. Yet your imagination is very limited. That seems to be a clear pattern with you.


05/11/16 6:46 PM

#61311 RE: Pyrrhonian #61291

Woody's out for blood.

I suspect this entire incident makes him want to take an hour long scalding hot shower. :-)

On a serious note, his fund here is "Patient". So he really does not care about PPS, only about eventual success. That would explain why he is OK with causing short term damage if he thinks some sh** needs to be cleaned up.

NW is not an idiot, and thinks the science was worth a "punt". No argument. And I have no argument with longs who think the science might well work.

But the LP/Cognate issue has a stench that can not be missed. I fail to see how anybody can not see this as a problem.


05/11/16 7:35 PM

#61314 RE: Pyrrhonian #61291

This is a very stupid theory, first and foremost because NWBO doesn't have any of Woodford's money they could possibly pay him back. I guess he could sue their insurers but I don't think insurance covers and pays for fraud liability and I'm guessing that fraud is the only theory that would get NW a judgement for return of his investment.

Pyr you have no evidence that NW has any intention of suing but you think he does and as usual that's enough for you to jump into it and believe it wholeheartedly. Or at least to play the game of claiming to believe it as a bluff in the MB game of 'lets see how stupid they are on the MB'.

The only way NW avoids losing most of his investment is if NWBO succeeds and the stock comes back. His suing NWBO would just make him look much more publically stupid and further damage his investment. I can't imagine he had the slightest clue about what effect his SEC filing would have on his investment, thought I suppose there are possible scenarios where it wasn't the stupidest thing in the world for him to do despite the fact that it ended up trashing the value of his own asset. But he knows now that if he goes public with any beef with LP it's just going to further damage his asset.

His case in court would have to rest on painting himself as naive fool who didn't read any of AF's hit pieces or the other well known pre-existing allegations, and didn't do DD. At his level it's absolutely buyer beware unless there is clear fraud a la cooking the books like at Enron. What's the case against LP - that she cooked the books to inflate earnings? Hahaha. Her dealings with Cognate were very well documented so even if they benefited Cognate unfairly, NW can't claim he didn't know and didn't have any chance to ask questions or that he asked but Linda fooled him. I can't believe you, Pyr are dumb enough to think he has a case he could possibly win in court. Really, for a guy who sometimes comes across as intelligent I wonder how you can possibly have such incredibly dumb ideas as this one. But then you know nothing about law or corporate governance, do you?