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01/21/16 3:54 AM

#44174 RE: Entangled Proton #44173

What is the significance of this?


01/21/16 4:06 AM

#44175 RE: Entangled Proton #44173

I can verify that I have seen the complete versions of these documents in the original Czech, and there is nott a vowel to be found in any of them.

As far as accusing (directly or by implication) someone of intentionally 'fuzzying up' a document, which is still readable, is itself a rather bizarre assertion.

What would be the motive for making a document harder for read (optically), butt still entirely readable? It would nott accomplish any goal of concealing the content, butt would instead simply generate readers' doubts about the scanner's functionality or the competence of the person operating the scanner. In your mind (according to your post), you deem this an impeachment of credibility. Bizarre!

'Tis such an odd complaint offered to bolster an absurd claim of 'doctoring' or selectively obscuring documents to imply a CONspiracy of deception.

It's nott like somebody intentionally deleted over 33,000 emails that were already subject to a pre-existing Federal (Congressional) investigation and several FOIA requests as well. Or, well, "to wipe it like with a towel or something."

janice shell

01/21/16 1:47 PM

#44179 RE: Entangled Proton #44173

Christ on a crutch. Most of that was explained at the time. The person who provided those documents you complain about used the IHub tool to make images. Needless to say, you can't use it to copy several pages at once, or the result will be fuzzy, as one of the opinion letters is. It can be read, but barely. Or you'll get only one page, as in the case of the Devaleminck letter. Even so, as far as that's concerned, all of the useful information is on the first page.

I suggested that he put everything on Scribd. He resisted at first, but eventually posted a few items there. And then he stopped providing new ones.

As for the amendment in question, I didn't post the whole thing because it was just boilerplate. There were no changes to the corporate charter other than the raise in the authorized capital.

Yet instead of saying "thank you", you complain. Without providing any interesting material of your own.