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12/10/15 9:15 AM

#66348 RE: Mogwai #66347

Nice try, but the 60 days to appeal the district judge's decision has LONG expired.


12/10/15 9:18 AM

#66350 RE: Mogwai #66347

Nice try shorty MOG

Going along with your case, we do not care no more. Once NCE is granted, if Watson wants to fire a new suit, it will be vs the FDA, not AMRN and we have nothing to do with it. Maybe they will use this to try to get some sort of compensation from the FDA bcz they mis-guided them reagrding 1st in generic.....bla bla bla...etc


12/10/15 9:25 AM

#66354 RE: Mogwai #66347


It was not appelable, "because it anticipates further agency action not limited to merely “ministerial” proceedings"

1.) Watson has 45 days to file petition for rehearing or petition for rehearing en banc. re. this Order

2.) If FDA grant the NCE the District Court will issue a final order. Wattson could appeal against it, BUT in this case:
- the NCE should be overturned / canceled (not simply denied)
- NCE will be in place / valid

Good luck to Watson with both ...



12/10/15 12:34 PM

#66382 RE: Mogwai #66347

Watson is SOL, they can't sue the FDA for FINALLY abiding to Regulation. Now Generics will fight among themselves first to file.