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12/02/15 5:25 AM

#91429 RE: skyrocketinsight #91428

re: shorting, there is no timeline unless a stock runs and the shorts get margin calls or forced to cover at ask due to borrowed shares getting sold.
aka: a short squeeze.

and the shorts are not stuck, as we shareholders are.
when you short, you get paid when you open the position.
you need to pay back (higher or lower) when you close the position.

thus, the core biz model for toxic conversion debt lenders:
give a nominal loan that forces massive share disgorgement.
short the stock you lent money to for more than the loan amount.
when they cough up shares as "interest"
dump them, driving the price down.

if the company goes out of business,
you never need to close your short position
so it stays on the books forever
and you don't need to pay taxes on initial payout.

you make money on the short position and income from dumping shares.
for the ante cost of the initial loan amount.
rinse, repeat...


12/02/15 5:28 AM

#91430 RE: skyrocketinsight #91428

re: plan B, we can only hope.

if Mark can actually make some money from ST production
he could try the 211 path again.
but after the critical letter he wrote to FINRA
he may have no chance of reinstating now
even if MIKP banked serious income for a change.

merging into another shell may be the only hope we have at this point.
and still unclear what the conversion rate would be.
and the value of the new shell.
and whether FINRA would allow the merger.