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11/08/15 7:55 PM

#44578 RE: beartrap12 #44576

If the patient elected to have their tumor removed, if it had shrank enough to allow for that, would the MDA physicians be hesitant in recommending surgery because it would compromise the immune system... diverting it to healing the body from the surgery, and not allowing the immune process to fully continue as thoroughly "killing" (my word") the tumor? At least **I'd think** they would recommend against that until the patient finished the trial.

I'd think there were the original patient physicians that might have thought the vaccine wasn't working when they heard the tumor had expanded, thinking erroneously that the tumor had grown. Some will have some paradigm shift catching up to do.

Just a thought.

If and when the L trial proves successful... my prediction... there will be neurosurgeons that will be resistant. There are always experts in the field that are resistant to change. Especially the non-investigative types.


11/08/15 10:32 PM

#44585 RE: beartrap12 #44576

Allan did have all of his injections. He had some extenuating treatment circumstances that occurred from his prior standard of care that affected his condition during his DC Vax Direct treatments. This condition was not negatively impacted by his DC VAx treatments, and he has done very well despite all of these circumstances. He has had all of his remaining tumor tissue surgically removed, due to his tumors becoming operable, and he has continued to pursue treatments beyond DC vax as recommended by his oncologist. It was nice to see him this summer living life, eating a full normal meal and enjoying a glass of wine at 2.5 years post diagnosis and 17 months since starting DC vax. He most likely is the patient with the longest survival on the chart. Two other pancreatic cancer patients I was trying to help chose other treatment paths and sadly passed on within a few months.

I would agree that some patients may have gotten contrary and ill-informed advice from their oncologists about tumor swelling that occurs before tumor shrinkage. Some may have gotten the less optimal method A cells and decided to pursue other treatments. At some point we will have the full picture on all of the patients, but will also have the phase II patients to compare results to. That data will be much more relevant to the eventual DC Vax Direct product.