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11/01/15 11:23 PM

#28681 RE: stealthways #28678

Stealth, I agree with your deductions. I also see this puts Missling in a very unusual bargaining position. He can lay out the case you've just illustrated, and ask BP to make a win/win proposition in light of the above. BP takes a smaller piece of the pie, nd the world benefits from the most rapid possible distribution possible to the huge number who need this drug.

Think about it - why give 60% + to a BP for capital and marketing expertise when your drug is so phenomenally effective that raising capital is easy and it will basically sell itself. Sure there certain expertise required to market and navigate the insurance hurdles, but it will be immensely cheaper, assuming the efficacy is indeed what we hope/expect, to simply hire experts in such areas than to rely and a BP partner.

Just something to keep in mind when doing those profit models/share price projections which frequently require giving 60%, or more, of the future profits to a BP; I doubt we will need a BP partner - and that means we longs can basically make at least twice as much a we previously may have expected.


11/01/15 11:24 PM

#28682 RE: stealthways #28678

I was really glad to see the below post from options4u since i believe this to be true ....many are near "brain washed" with the common path for successful drugs and not envisioning what the unique characteristics of AVXL will be , if a success...... For starters the drug would sell itself almost....if it works what doctor would not know about it and prescribe it?...... That said IMO a partner would reduce a P3 trial approval likely ....but on the other hand if AVXL got the extremely rare BT in 90 days like discussed on this board below, ... would final gov approval even be an issue, and therefore almost no reason to partner.... Last thought is that where options4u stats 60% to BP in a partner deal ...I think Missling is too smart for hope, if we seek a partner, would be 25% BP - 75% AVXL..and the logic for them accepting this would be the likely fairly small P3 and the ease of marketing... If the market is potentially 65 B for AD alone .... 25% interest of a simple but very large opportunity is very attractive for partners...