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06/29/06 11:35 AM

#12408 RE: paige #12407

Probably more'n me about patents. I have never really studied the topic. We have experts here that could give us the scoop re the ASD patent as it applies to Valimed..and the CDEX patent pending as to whether it better applies to Valimed if ever approved.

The issues that the court would hear have not yet been defined, to my knowledge. When and IF they are, then we can have a better idea about things, and who is likely to win.

It makes sense to me that an approved patent would take precedence over a patent pending.. but lots of things that ARE makes no sense to me.

All I have learned in the past is that patents give some protection to inventions and it is damn hard to file a lawsuit re one and win. The average Joe has to convince a law firm to take his case on a contingency fee basis. No way can a person w/o big bucks in his accounts expect to file and win on his own. Unless the infringement is GLARINGLY obvious.

My own guess is that the lawsuit is a farce, cooked up for some reason not yet apparent.. Buyouts and bankruptcies come to mind. Publicity also.
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06/29/06 12:32 PM

#12414 RE: paige #12407

"I think when was "allowed" by the PTO that started the whole shaaabang with asd..."

Trust me Paige, the whole patent infringement case against CDEX started WAY before the first CDEX patent application was allowed. It started in February, 2005 when ASD put CDEX under the microscope (so to speak) and began studying the scope of their granted patent claims.

Evidently, after over a year of studying the situation, ASD concluded that their case was strong.


The CDEx patent applications are irrelevant as a defense in this case IMO, and in fact, may require rewording to circumvent ASD's established prior art.