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08/27/15 9:42 AM

#25827 RE: James Franko #25821

Brilliant, Intelligent Thoughts. I agree. GO CRGP!!!
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08/27/15 9:42 AM

#25828 RE: James Franko #25821

Wow best post yet. Thanks so much.
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08/27/15 9:43 AM

#25831 RE: James Franko #25821

If CEO called, then why did I just receive a generic email stating the company doesn't know why
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08/27/15 9:49 AM

#25848 RE: James Franko #25821

I can't help but agree. My logic tells me this halt is company initiated. I mean really anyone watching L2 was shocked by the huge sales into the bid (100's of millions) trying to pus the stock down. Yet somebody was buying all those shares. We will see soon enough.
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08/27/15 10:24 AM

#25926 RE: James Franko #25821

Logical analysis he says while ignoring a few important facts; the fact that the Jovita mine is not where it's said to be and the fact that the San Pedro mine is nowhere to be found, the fact that they are claiming revenue numbers well beyond the price of copper per the amount claimed to have been mined and the thought that the CEO called for this halt when supposed emails from IR are claiming the company doesn't know why it was halted.

Logical analysis? More like wishful thinking, get a grip.
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08/27/15 10:54 AM

#25966 RE: James Franko #25821

Complete and utter rubbish.

Besides, the biweekly short interest shows a whopping 678 short interest. And CRGP has no fails to deliver..... MM's are not short.

The "company" is a scam
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janice shell

08/27/15 4:54 PM

#26275 RE: James Franko #25821

It is highly likely that the CEO is the one who called FINRA to call BS.

Were that true, the company would most certainly tell shareholders about it.
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08/27/15 10:51 PM

#26524 RE: James Franko #25821

James F, WOW not sure how much closer any one could get to the truth. The sad part is we will never know. It is a crying shame when these people have the ability to make a phone call and get away with millions while killing a legit hard working company... I wrote this back in the Dot-Bong last year.

TheSittingtight1 Monday, 06/09/14 09:50:27 AM
Re: power_forward post# 46683
Post # of 49969

90% of these stocks where trading in the triple 000's before they announced MMJ business. All of them where seller boxed and shorted into the abyss just waiting to DIE. (that is what the naked shorter's/MM wanted) When the old margin calls started coming in and the market makers could not slow the influx of buyers, they all new they where in trouble. One company after another rose from the phoenix. There has been a few companies that have done the best they can to change the direction of these dead companies. Mergers, name change, ticker change, management change, filling past late fillings, so on and so on... When the big money (MM) started loosing there cash, the game started getting ugly. Now it is even uglier, when the MM had to call their friends at the SEC to help them, you know it must be real bad. You will probably ask if I can prove this theory and my answer will be NO, but ask the SEC what the companies (that have been suspended) did wrong and see what answer you get.. "None of your business".

So 10 days later this so called "crooked" company trades again and from there the MM and shorters are scott free all the way back to seller boxed and bankrupt... It was done in the early 2000's and has started again. The SEC is as crooked as it has always been and some things just will not change.

Nothing seems to have changed. I can't see how these people sleep at night.