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07/20/15 12:43 PM

#429536 RE: AZCowboy #429532

I like the old adage: it's better to be generally correct then specifically wrong.

Boris the Spider

07/20/15 1:02 PM

#429538 RE: AZCowboy #429532

AZ, you are right. We are almost there.

July is the month. September will be even bigger. ;)


07/20/15 1:08 PM

#429542 RE: AZCowboy #429532

Proof, got any to support this......


07/20/15 2:22 PM

#429562 RE: AZCowboy #429532

az, here is what is pre planned. WMIH begins trading on a real exchange and then or in conjunction with, they acquire a company or two with solid earnings that need to be sheltered.

What is not pre planned and ain't going to happen is escrows end up with a very large payday. There are zero or very little assets that are coming back to escrows, why, because any assets are long gone, fdick in 08 with the financial crisis in full swing told jpm please take everything so tax payers are not on the hook and make fdick look bad. So that is exactly what jpm did.

Fast forward to today. What ever holding company assets were there are now long gone, mixed with other jpm assets that jpm had years to kill any paper trial easily tying the assets to the wamu holding company. Just think about the 30 billion rubble jpm press release. I would have thought those for certain were wamu holding company assets?

JPM is as corrupt and powerful as they come. I can't even fathom a scenario regarding how 10s of billions of assets are going to fall on the doorstep of escrow holders. JPM and Fdick would have had to spend 10s of thousands of man hours identifying, managing, segregating, all those "wamu holding company assets" for 7-8 years just so they could tie a bow around them and give them to wamu. Because jpm and fdick are such nice guys they are going to pick up the tab for managing 10s of billions of assets that don't belong to them, sure they are, lol.

That is not how business is done under these circumstances. JPM has the assets and they never intended to give any of them back. Think about it, in everyones mind wamu was going down and fdick rationalizes that to be fact and they never cared what happened to any of the assets. It would not surprise me if fdick just turned over everything to jpm, and told them deal with it as best you can, what you can get out of them take it just don't leave us holding the bag.

What's more likely, that escrows are going to get a huge payday or that jpm has screwed wamu out of everything. occams razor! all imo

Until a lawsuit is filed with very detailed accusations that jpm stole billions in assets with claims for billions in damages, what business in their right mind would just turn them over. Not very many and especially jpm who always negotiates based on threats, ie, see you in court for the next 15 years and see who bleeds first. all imo