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07/05/15 9:51 AM

#38510 RE: PEACHMAN #38509

As said before. Marc has the football.

The kickoff has occurred.

The real game has begun.

Will he score a TD or fumble.

IFUS shareholders KNOW he will score a TD.

There will be no fumble.



07/05/15 11:04 AM

#38511 RE: PEACHMAN #38509

Let's be serious!

Due diligence concerning IFUS is an on going process.It is more difficult with IFUS because the company has quite frankly not provided updates on a regular bases due to the financial priorities,financial delays,court delays,equipment delays,and normal business delays that can effect time frames and deadlines.These are not excuses these are real.

The most basic information (and the most important information to shareholders) could be provided with a minimum of effort. It's at his fingertips and could be put into either a pr or on their website.

If you're telling me that Walther told you he didn't have ten minutes to see to it that was done, he's lieing to you.

Even if any of what you/Walther say is real, they're excuses for not performing the normal functions/responsibilities of a public company.