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05/27/15 10:16 AM

#35070 RE: iclight #35055

Why would a Center go online? To say they were, just because?
To have their facility associated with a success or failure? Would you think they would go through a process to be involved to, NOT want to be involved? I would think a lot of administrative procedures, hoops, and signatures are required - wouldn't you? They have nothing better to do?!
No, I would think at each of these facilities someone has bought in to DCVAX. That individual is the 'champion' of this project. They have a vested interest in a successful program and are presenting this therapy/trial to the appropriate
candidate-patients. This is a BIG decision for the candidat-patient and their families and much to consider.


05/27/15 10:42 AM

#35072 RE: iclight #35055

You don't believe a word LP says or understand the importance of the very many sites nailing their colours to this ship or indeed the highly respected Woodford or indeed any of the clinical updates gone on to date or the press release this morning mentioning new clinical update at ASCO.

Now do I believe you or do I believe in the much better informed management, clinicians and professional industry investor and the statement mentioning new information this weekend????

Answers on a postcard please to the "iclight - what colour are my swimming trunks when the tide goes out" competition....good luck