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04/22/15 10:11 PM

#60248 RE: AXE_EVERYTHING #60247

Thanks axe, your hooked to a winner for those who dont see it well it will be their loss this summer. This summer will be huge here , for everyone else here sticky this and you can thank axe at the end of tbe summer!
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04/22/15 10:25 PM

#60249 RE: AXE_EVERYTHING #60247

here is another conditional use permit that has been given, and this is another example as to why BEING UPLOADED ON THE COUNTY WEBSITE has NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING....

the county can issue CONDITIONAL PERMITS until they are BLUE IN THE FACE.....

none of those permits will get FULLY APPROVED until the STATE APPROVES THE WATER PLAN......INCC is in this PROCESS RIGHT NOW!!!!

do you see in this article HOW IT WORKS??

–Published: March 26, 2015) —SCG Services LLC has been granted a Conditional Use Permit to grow marijuana commercially on their lot in the Colorado Buffalo Ranch subdivision. SCG plans to erect a 5,400 square foot warehouse a 4,200 square foot greenhouse as well as creating areas for outdoor grows on the property.

The Huerfano Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approved the permit at their regular meeting Tuesday with 10 conditions and unresolved concerns about water. According to owner John Sakun, SCG plans to drill a residential water well on their property, and if they hit water, apply to change it to a commercial well in the future.

Sakun says the Huerfano County Water Conservation District (HCWCD) has included SCG as an augmentation customer in their 2015 Substitute Water Supply Plan. That plan has not been approved by the state, but it is pending.

Buying augmentation water from HCWCD will only be necessary if SCG actually strikes water in their well and uses it. “You could have a dry well – so you can’t augment what’s not there,” Commission Chair Ray Garcia said.

“Our back-up plan is to purchase water from the City of Florence,” Sakun said.


there are 10 CONDITIONS that the county wants this grower to CHANGE in order to be FULLY APPROVED

also - they need to have a STATE APPROVED plan

INCC is efforting this right now - INCC is trying to get the STATE APPROVAL FIRST - so that they do not need to have a CONDITIONAL APPLICATION WITH THE COUNTY....

there are 2 METHODS to GET A LICENSE

method 1) you can find a piece of PROPERTY and go through the PROCESS to GET THE LAND LICENSED.....this is usually the cheaper route to take
- and if you do get it licensed - that is a way to get the most bang for your buck in my opinion

method 2) buy a piece of land that already has the license

when you take method 2 - it is usually more expensive because someone did the work for you....

INCC is going through the process to get the license on a property that has not been licensed before - they are choosing method 1 for this ONE PROJECT with FWDG

but INCC can do anything they want...

they are NOT restricted to this ONE DEAL

if they want to BUY another property that already has a LICENSE - they can do that at anytime as well.....

INCC made a decision to get into the MJ sector last May of 2014....

it has not been a year as of yet.....but I like to see that they are constantly working toward getting a license....

feeling good they will achieve this and I want to be invested here before they announce it, because I feel this can go BIG once they achieve the license....

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04/22/15 11:36 PM

#60257 RE: AXE_EVERYTHING #60247

NOTHING-gets"looked-at"-by-County-if-no-fees-are-PAID…CALL-HUERFANO-County and ask them if they have even considered looking at INCCs application(s)……….they haven't and its not on ANY May agenda either

the circle of fabrications here is very risky business
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04/22/15 11:49 PM

#60258 RE: AXE_EVERYTHING #60247

Time and again we see the evidence, INCC is not a scam. Management is doing everything in their power to accomplish their goals.
I am impressed with their persistence and transparency.
I don't know of any other pinks acting this way and trading at these levels.
Those that don't buy now can only blame themselves when time comes.