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04/15/15 2:51 PM

#15488 RE: gatesoft55 #15487


According to the 10-K the lab will be done this month. I’m not sure why there has been such a long delay getting it finished but who knows…maybe some of the equipment couldn’t be delivered on time. Getting this lab done will be a very significant milestone. We will finally be able to have all of our processes completed in-house and not have to rely on Michelson and his grad students. After speaking to someone who spoke to Tom last week, it sounds like there has been some frustration with that and they are veryyy eager/excited to have the lab up and running. Completion of this new lab will be the final step in the multi year process to bring all of our activities in house. It’s a big deal and I hope they announce something this month with good detail, and then a PR the morning of the SHM with device details (as SteveS mentioned)

“Our long-range plan is to have direct control of all proprietary fabrication processes under this vertically integrated facility where we can provide design support and production capability of complex waveguides, modulators, transceivers, and optical thin film component assemblies for our current partnerships and potential new customers."

Fiberlogix – From what I have heard, and IMO, attempting to make a deal with them was premature. I think they wanted too much pie and at the time there were still many unknown variables on our end of things.

Celestech – this is the real biggie that I wish I knew more about. Someone might be able to correct me, but I think Celestech was essentially a middle-man between us and a government organization. X might be able to elaborate on this…but probably shouldn’t. (sorry lol ;) )

BNL – I think Tom commented on this at the last SHM…forget what he said, but these guys might just be on hold or are waiting for a second phase of funding. Please correct me if I am wrong.

With regards to Intel vs IBM and Tom’s comments… it’s no secret that Intel was the LSS and jerked us around. We then put them in the same basket as everyone else and stopped giving them preferential treatment….we licensed Corning’s polymers…then had IBM’s former Director of Technology Commercialization join us. Wise…it’s driving me crazy too but I think this will make us all rich someday.

My dream…I hope we JV with IBM in the next 6-12 months and maybe a couple other companies for specific devices/applications…then ultimately a consortium of companies pay an exorbitant amount of money for our technology to share with the world.

I hope this SHM is a good one. Wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t get those shares authorized though. Tom should have learned from last year's mistake. And to ask for an additional 50 million. Ha! They can always call a special vote...jusssss sayin. There are some large shareholders (collectively own well over 5%) who are demanding transparency. If we need operating cash past October...we still can tap LPC.