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04/02/15 1:00 PM

#241488 RE: zen 88 #241487

Hardware may in fact be coming. It should. It is more secure than software. However, to leap from that truism, to seeing a bright future for Wave, based on that statement is quite the leap.

When one looks backward at all the positive developments that were going to bring oodles and oodles of windfalls for Wave investors, the actual achievements are hard to find.

Perhaps that is why many of us have such fierce cynicism whenever anyone sees something that may remotely impact Wave--as the savior of our company--and then one watched and waited, until, nothing. That has been the pattern for Wave. Loads of promises, scarce or non-existent results.

What Wave truly needs now, is a passel of sales to big companies of its VSC 2.0. So far, no sales. That is hard to comprehend, given the number of companies rooting around looking for security.

Maybe you buy the long sales cycle arguments. I don't. I think Wave's product is so crappy, even the best sales team can't fool security specialists into buying.

So, if that holds true--what do you think the outcome is going to be? You have waited long and longer, and despite many positive potentials, Wave has yet to show it can subsist on sales without more dilution. After 26 years, that act is beginning to look a little thin to me.

After Q1 closed with no announcements beyond the $2.3M sale to the insurance company--we are now beginning to see and hear old familiar arguments that didn't make sense then and don't make sense now. Wave needs more time. It always needs more time and more of our money. When is it Wave's time to pay off on all that awesome potential bandied about?

Or, will the goalposts continue their backward movement, will more blank checks without dates be written and more patience called for? At this point, many, including myself, would label this experiment "failed."

But you will see something bright coming along, right? Something will materialize to calm our fears, to fatten our wallet, right? Isn't that how the last 26 years were paved? Big profits coming soon? Did big profits ever solidify out of the 'potential' mist?

I just see nothing in Wave's present situation giving hope--it all points the opposite way, unless one seems to agree, down is up. But down is down in most regions of the world. I think it means exactly what it says it means. And for longtime Wave investors to be down more than 98% of money invested, that pretty much says it all.
