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03/28/15 3:17 PM

#9398 RE: BobbyGee #9397

I invested in Pulse because I loved the idea that finally there was a product being brought to market to support the lifestyle, and health beliefs, that I have. I can truly count on one hand the number of times I have had a "soda" in my lifetime. When they came out with coconut water I as elated! Brilliance, I thought! I use Cabana Coconut Water nearly every day in smoothies. After I workout and run I make a smoothie. Below is my recipe, which I change up each time......

2 cups of spinach, kale, or combination
1 cup of mixed berries...I buy Costco frozen
1 cup of mixed fruit..... " " " , or a banana
1 small container of Greek Yogurt, any flavour.. (If I use coconut I add about a 1/2 inch of fresh ginger...ginger is great for arthritis, if you should suffer at all)
1/2 an avocado
4 Tbsp Chia Seeds
1 Tbsp of Spirulina (if you have never used spirulina before, start out with just 1 tsp!!!!!)
1 cup of Cabana Coconut Water
Blend and enjoy!!! Here's to your health, via Cabana Coconut Water!
This makes enough for 2 smoothies.
Gotta Run!
Best to all!


03/28/15 6:17 PM

#9399 RE: BobbyGee #9397


Hi Bob,

Thank you for your comments. Much appreciated. I have been a fan of PULSE for a couple of years. Yes, it is a bit frustrating. For the most part I like their product line ( what I know of it ).

Have you looked at the stock STEV? I agree with what you say about sugars.

If WalMart says "plastic" then plastic it is!!

Ultimately we want PLSB to turn a profit. That is dealing with many controllables and fixed costs.

Controllables ... administration costs, salaries, marketing, etc.

Of course, as they ramp up production and sales, production costs and shipping costs should come down. We recently had a drop in sugar and shipping ( fuel ) cost.

How far away is PULSE from turning a profit? Do they have to double sales? Triple sales to get there?

How much more funding will be required to get there? Will they be able to fund again to get to this target? I have no idea whether PULSE is a "pipe dream" or not.
