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03/12/15 4:57 PM

#241195 RE: zen 88 #241194

Under the Solms regime, $2.3M will come in, distributed over an array of quarters. It was also for Wave's old tech and represents the entire significant sales under Solms--after expectations were raised yet again that things would turn around.

In roughly 2 weeks Q1 will close. Thus far, no announced deals involving the VSC 2.0.

Yet the optimism continues. Those of us who look for results can not see what is fueling the optimism.

One paltry deal of old tech, no new deals with the new tech, missed goals, declining revenue, yet more dilution. It hardly seems a cause for optimism. Yet it abounds where it always has--in the vacuum where sales should be.

Validation of some of the hope with real revenue would answer a lot of questions, but I see no validation whatsoever for the proposal Wave has valuable security products for sale. In fact, it appears the exact opposite is true. Wave is having and continues to have extreme difficulty in selling its product in a market desperate for security.

Can anyone explain on what is the continued hope based on? To me it seems, it is based on no more than hope itself. Results are almost completely missing--results backing up such fervent hope.

As most of you know,we have been strung along for decades waiting for the rocket launch. I can't see any signs of a rocket, a launch pad, a control tower, fueling harness--or any of the other outward signs of an impending launch. The counter-indicators are out in force, however.

Hardly any sales of significance, more dilution our CEO didn't think would be necessary, a sub $1.00 share price, missed goals and more promises in lieu of results. It sure seems like the same old thing.

Is there anything solid backing up this apparent endless hope things will turn for the better at some indefinable distant point?

We are not that far away from hitting the de-listing deadline and with no new reportable results for Q1 2015, it appears to me and others, Wave's picture is darkening by the day. How am I misinterpreting the nothingness that is where the promised and expected sales should be?



03/12/15 6:35 PM

#241197 RE: zen 88 #241194

zen, hopefully this is a real pipeline vs. a Sprague-speak orders in hand one. In a real pipeline, prospects that go in and ultimately emerge a customer, in this case nearing 8 months after the product launch, will produce orders approx. 6-12 months down the road giving a large prospect that goes in today a late 2014 close assuming of course they become a win. Assuming the VSC 2.0 pipeline is legit, the last 8 months represent initial construction and growth with a few SMB wins along the way. The first large win is anybody's guess if indeed it happens at all, however Solms was definitive in the call last week that VSC deals are in their latter stages. As I said, guardedly optimistic.