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Black Beerd

03/08/15 2:31 PM

#204306 RE: hopetocashin #204296

"The wheels of Justice are set in motion! "

I believe a great debt of gratitude is owed you Hope.... you did what you said you were going to do and follow through which will in essence be some form of justice for the many duped here. These wheels of justice will be following the trail of deception and any and all accomplices. This game needed to show an end and I believe the wheels in motion will prove to be an interesting unraveling to all involved.

"But I assure you, I will do all in my power to make sure they continue to spin until all those who have been duped get the answers they need and deserve!! "

Again I applaud your follow through and while I think the answers to everything have in one form or another has been exposed but justice will find where the truth is.

I will find out about the so called 'gesture' to the longs amongst other things"

I believe the gesture the CEO and associates/GalPal etc has been signed sealed and delivered and shows itself in all the shareholders portfolios. But specific to your thoughts it will be interesting to see this story retold by the wheels of justice.
It's the other things that I feel will be the most the shares used in compensation.

"That which has been hidden in the shadow of darkness and deceit will see the light of day and truth!!"

Truth will always find it's way and as it seems now it is an oncoming freight train at full throttle.

Hats off to you Hope!...all just my opinion


03/08/15 5:49 PM

#204307 RE: hopetocashin #204296

"The wheels of Justice are set in motion! "

Welllll.....ain't that just sumpin'. Tons of fire and brimstone and not an ounce of substance. Yet we are expected to gobble it up as gospel while it appears to be made of whole cloth.

Was this latest release 'lawyer approved?'


03/09/15 7:45 AM

#204310 RE: hopetocashin #204296

Based on what you have shared ie...emails from this CEO making special non-public offers to you in exchange for more money from you (even suggesting the use of a personal credit card), you are most certainly deserving of answers Hope. Many others duped past shareholders are as well. Kudos to you for not giving up and for doing whatever you can to get those answers.

Where is the news of that huge 200 store roll out in the first quarter of 2015 that has been dangled for months now? Not out yet? Hmmmm...surprised? Same garbage, different day.


All IMO.


04/02/15 3:42 PM

#204561 RE: hopetocashin #204296

I guess when Eric was busy soliciting you to fund him post reverse split and foolishly engaging in "selective disclosure" tactics while soliciting you to fund him he forgot his own words from Feb 2008 hope lol>>>

I must be careful in my communications with shareholders in order to respect the spirit of securities legislation, and am therefore somewhat conservative in my approach. The last thing we want to do is draw in shareholders who don’t genuinely understand the risks associated with early stage growth or to engage in communications that violates certain regulatory provisions, notwithstanding good intentions


04/06/15 10:45 AM

#204589 RE: hopetocashin #204296

Any updates on this progress?

Black Beerd

07/31/15 4:13 PM

#205859 RE: hopetocashin #204296

Hope... any updates on bringing some badly needed justice and accountability to the virtual offices front door yet?


09/16/15 1:22 PM

#206369 RE: hopetocashin #204296

"I will do all in my power to make sure they continue to spin until all those who have been duped get the answers they need and deserve!!"

It seems that nothing has changed as Eric misled shareholders for the last 6 months about the BlauAire turbo. There has been no association between BlauAire and Winning Brands since March but Eric didn't find it important to inform shareholders. He didn't even find it important to remove the BlauAire product from the companies product list until now.

Black Beerd

11/26/15 11:10 AM

#207055 RE: hopetocashin #204296

Thanks Hope.... glad at least you do what you say you're going to do... lets hope the CEO feels the impact of this justice and is made accountable for such illegal and immature behavior. Happy TG!!