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03/04/15 9:21 PM

#560292 RE: 10nisman #560291

BTW, what did the federal deficit do under Bush? Do you think it would have doubled under Obama if he would have inherited a normal economic period?

without the democratic crash of the market, do you think any of this would have happened?


03/04/15 9:26 PM

#560296 RE: 10nisman #560291

The debt has far more to do with entitlements, and long term obligations.
The economy was on the brink of recessions at the end of Clinton, and the market bubble was about to bust. Plus, the attack on our soil prompted wars against those who attacked, and those who had sanctions on them from the first Gulf war.
The tax cuts helped to stimulate the economy, as Americans were going to slow down spending, and would have resulted in a severe recession.
There are many factors that contributed to the deficit and debt. Bush was not a debt hawk, as much as I would have like either. But Obama is outrageous in the accelerated spending, and attacking the job producers in this country.
He can take a flying leap off a short pier, and the end of his presidency can't come soon enough for me.