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02/27/15 4:48 PM

#240973 RE: RootOfTrust #240972

I don't remember the history for everyone!

But there was certainly a large gang that was contemptuous of potential customers who didn't get it. Many of them are still out there, employing the same process, thinking that the unsafe harbour was really going to deliver if only we all held on long enough, figuring how to give the credit to SKS for Solms' achievements. They are still impervious to the notion that if your products aren't selling, it is your enterprise that is making the mistakes; and that if you build backwards from demand, this is quite distinct from building forwards from the supply side. Sure, absorb standards that are useful. But primarily, listen to what your customers want and then build that. Not unicorns. Products that customers pull into the market.

It isn't the buyers who look silly if your product isn't selling. It is your cash flow. Not many folks have the genius to build something completely new that customers actually want. SKS' track record with Wave was of numerous tries and fails. Anyone should be able to see that such a person has neither the genius nor the process to succeed. And yet ...

For myself, I like Solms' approach. I think if demand is out there, his process will find it. But I will count the demand for Wave's products only if/when it appears.

Apparently to understand these small things makes one either an unimaginative accountant or a philosopher king in certain parts! ;-)