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01/13/15 9:59 PM

#29195 RE: Spicknspan #29193

And that is why, you will find this company is run by scamsters, if not hamsters....LOL

Prudent Capitalist

01/14/15 10:49 AM

#29196 RE: Spicknspan #29193

You raise a number of very valid points. I remain mystified over the conduct of this new management team, and how they can continue to keep their heads in the sand. But, I will await the filing of the audited 10-K, which is now due tomorrow, prior to jumping to any rash judgments.

What we can say without hesitation, is that the last 5 1/2 months since the management transition have been an absolute disaster for the shareholders who own the company.

As for your question: The members of the Board of Directors of VRTY, and the full time executives, all have a fiduciary duty and obligation to the shareholders, and this duty incudes the obligation to act in the best interests of shareholders. So, yes, there are potential liabilities out there, and the SEC could step in and take action here, IMO, if the situation warranted. In this regard, the SEC has recently stepped up its policing and enforcement actions against fraud or misconduct in micro-cap penny stocks, but IMO there is no current evidence of any wrongdoing. At least not to date. But incompetence and mis-management ... absolutely.

Prudent Capitalist

01/14/15 3:12 PM

#29197 RE: Spicknspan #29193

Just watched the Spader Business management video over the noon hour. It seems remarkably similar, or even almost identical, to the first one put up the other day. It does, however, raises a number of pertinent questions and issues for VRTY shareholders:

1. If Duane Spader and Spader Business Management are so adept at mentoring and molding successful businesses and managers, then why are we not seeing any evidence of such expertise and experience here with VRTY?

2. If Duane Spader and Spader Business Management are so successful in mentoring executives and developing them, with verifiable increases in success within their companies, what have Duane Spader and Spader Business Management done thus far to mentor and develop Jim White, Verlyn Sneller, Ronald Kaufman and Phil Green, with an eye toward developing more success for the business through strengthened executive leadership?

3. If Duane Spader and Spader Business Management are expending considerable time and efforts working with the members of our executive leadership team to further develop their executive leadership skills, as pondered above, is this taking away from the ability of the management team to move the company forward in the short term, or to satisfactorily communicate with shareholders or outside IR,. i.e. Crescendo Communications?

4. With Duane Spader so obviously focused on and busy with Spader Business Management, and with our stated North Carolina CEO, Jim White, running his internet skin cream company (Lavandou) back in North Carolina, who is running and managing Verity and fulfilling the fiduciary duties and obligations management and our executive leadership have to the shareholders who own the company?

Food for thought, but also legitimate questions to which shareholders are owed honest answers.