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12/16/14 2:03 PM

#67448 RE: Toxic Avenger #67442

Just a filing footnote that no one owns 5%.

This type of crap never sat well with me. As the announcements unfolded after I jumped in, I could not believe my eyes as I read what I read.

How is it that no one owns 5% or more when JJ et al are in it so deep, especially with the convertible preferred shares that he held which he has already converted.

I would refer to my friend these ridiculous statements from the board to only be shot down as "you don't know what you're talking about. "I know the inside story".

But finally, after I have correctly assessed the BOD pronouncements, my friend is silent and I do not receive those emails of "we are finally there", "next week", "$500M capital raise" all that BS is gone. Things are silent and on a wait and see mode.

I have a sinking feeling we are in for another one of Medinah's famous lines come January when Auryn's "firm" offer is announced and there is nothing there but fluff again.

No money ever changes hands between any buyer and Medinah. It's the same news, hashed and rehashed with a different arrangements of the same words.

Best if I had stuck to my first impression and simply used this stock to trade the hell out of it. Great trades on the long and short side.

Depending on the new fluff story, I may buy up again when it hits new lows in the $.03 level.

Yesterday the technicals looked good, to only deteriorate any short term potential upside with today's action.

Let's see where it closes today.