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Danny Detail

06/10/03 6:27 AM

#31952 RE: Corp_Buyer #31950

Corp-Buyer .. Such shareholder activism was and should be welcomed, IMO. You would do it again in the same circumstances, right?

You missed the whole point of my post. The circumstances aren't the same now .. nowhere near it and I don't expect they will be again. Given how strongly some people on this board feel about the kind of job management has done since the time of my report any attempts to conduct further shareholder activism on this board will be very divisive. I predicted that would happen with the way you and others conducted your agenda on prop #2 and that is exactly what did happen. Frankly, that should have been obvious. I take no pleasure in being right about that one. If I was going to do something like that now I would make it a totally separate effort (another board for instance) and keep it completely off this board so that this board could stay focused exclusively on IDCC investment DD. Anyone that wanted to join you in a shareholder activism agenda could do so. You folks are now faced with that choice.