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10/27/14 5:18 PM

#25835 RE: jimk1 #25834

Are you able to divulge your sources? I lived in Tulsa for over two years and did not even hear about 3DIcon until the tail end of my stint there from a buddy at the cigar shop I frequented. With that being said I don't think these guys are crooks per say, I think they're just terrible marketers and hopefully can learn soon before it's too late.


10/27/14 8:42 PM

#25842 RE: jimk1 #25834

The dilution has actually ramped up from September now into October, why? Who knows. But they have been dumping a lot of shares. Anyone with level 2 can watch the main culprits on the ask all day which are VNDM, BKRT, VFIN and BMAK.

The rest is mostly retail.


10/27/14 11:47 PM

#25845 RE: jimk1 #25834

me too lost a lot...

So whats the best hing to do right now?

Well i aint selling a share.. wether this will be succesfull in time or i lose it all no in betweens for me.

But i dont like what i see. Not at all ...

Whats going on here?


iamthe walrus

10/28/14 12:22 PM

#25862 RE: jimk1 #25834

Could this heavy volumn be related to stock conversions taking place??? Stock conversions are not dilution.Maybe preferred stock is being converted to common shares and the ax market maker is playing with these (200,000 million traded in 45 days or so)and playing both ends of it.How else could you realistically account for 2 to 3 hundred million shares in volumn in the last 3 or so months.Dilution?? I dont see that as realistic..Do preferred shares being converted over have to be logged in an 8k?? When insiders sell stock they have to make that public but do they if they were converting stock..Who would be converting is a good question .But millions of shares being converted could give someone( market maker on a thinly traded stack or one that has few MMs involved can be manipulated to make money between the bid and the ask) a lot of shares to borrow to trade and go short with.. Sometimes conversions take place when those converting believe that there is going to be an increase in the share price so they can recieve capital gains when the price per shares moves up so they move into position to be able to sell.Converting shares from preferred to common can also keep hostile take overs from taking place and increase voting rights for those converting thier shares.... Searchin for ideas on the hugh volumn the last few months because it doesnt make since that this is heavy dilution...