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09/17/14 9:13 AM

#89079 RE: Euripides90 #89069

IMO the beat down of the share price on no news over such an extended time has ripened this for a bump (prolly a dead cat bounce). I could not consider T4M phone convo real DEWM NEWS!!!, proven or otherwise it's too subjective and NOT verifiable. Sure I7s pincher is a formation that is real and without news will be short lived (seen it work that way before). Even with NEWS!!! the pincheris good for a buy and NEWS!!! (real, manufactured or imagined) good for a sell. Couple these set ups (in the sense of prime to occur) with Sierrworld's article (short term trader article) that has DEWM running "hard" after their buy rating to a big ole .0019. Those that follow this article will follow this article and try to sell at .0018-.0019 prolly today and tomorrow. They'll have to have buyers here, so good luck. One must be flipper nimble to get some beer money here in the next few days IMO; without NEWS!!! of the material kind. GL!


09/17/14 9:13 AM

#89080 RE: Euripides90 #89069

BTW if you all want to thank someone for finding his phone thank Billy12 since he did the DD and posted it.

That is true. I merely took the initiative to pick up the phone & start calling looking 4 some answers. I guess I had 9/15 date in my head like most people based on Boston's CPA posts and I hung my hat on it & left DEWM stock alone and worked on my other ponies. But when 9/15 came and went without a word, I panicked and desperately needed answers.

Trade4money was so thrilled just to get him on the phone and affirm he exists, nothing specific was asked.

So true!

it's nothing new, nothing of substance. Just the same old "we'll put out fin's when the CPA's are ready, then PR's will follow."

Yes I am sorry I let U guys down, and did not grill him, but he was clear that he could not talk about anything that would jeopardize the company. Personally I am glad the convo was this way because I don't want to jeopardize my investment either or that of others. I know there was little substance but it also gave me relief to know that he is still there working and waiting on the audit. That's really the news. Maybe he was lying to me I don't know? But I am going to trust he was honest with me and leave it at that.

Funny how some stocks can get under your skin and you need constant chatter to sooth your mind while others you can just ignore and be fine with that. DEWM has always been a stock that I been content to leave alone. Don't know Y really? By all accounts considering the long silence I should be pulling my hair out but 4 some reason it just never bothered me.

Everyone has different risk tolerances and trading styles and goals. Take what you want from this and do what's best 4 you. People should always take what is posted with a grain of salt and trust their gut and brain and hopefully make a sound decision when trading.

Personally I'm not pumping or advising people to buy, hold, or sell. I am holding myself, not going to trade because I just don't have a clue when the audit will be completed and PR is dropped either before fins or after and I really don't want to be caught with my pants down if this baby does take off again. I am happy with the amount of shares I have and will concentrate on my other ponies and wait 4 the day when Marco breaks the silence and let's everyone know what he's up to. When that day arrives & hopefully not in another 6 months I will return here looking 4 help from the chart guys about where the pps is heading/not heading.

Sorry I can't spend more time chatting about this but I just don't have anything more to add 4 now. Best of luck to everyone whatever you decide to do.



09/17/14 9:32 AM

#89084 RE: Euripides90 #89069

This is definitely a post that was well thought out and has a lot of valid points, no doubt it...I kinda feel the same way,although I just think if he was going to screw us over Big Time it would of already happened. His shares would of already been dumped and we would be siting at 0001. Why would he drag this on for 6 months ???