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09/10/14 8:27 PM

#228094 RE: fuagf #228048

fuagf -- birds of a feather -- not a thing subtle, or just about the look or otherwise indirect/oblique/merely superficial, or even, in the sense of something intelligently/informedly considered unexpected, genuinely ironic, about that from old Phil -- note his formulation: all that those ISIS folks have to do to get good with Phil and become fellow children of God, all forgiven, is to convert from the ludicrous pretense/pretension of their absolutist fundamentalism to the ludicrous pretense/pretension of Phil's absolutist fundamentalism -- and for that matter, even just as to the look, note his take on facial hair in "Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson: Recovering Manhood in America - Inspirational Videos" twelfth below -- could have come straight from e.g. the Taliban; in any event does come from the same well


ISIS and Phil Robertson: Duck Commander Issues Fatwa

September 3, 2014 [no comments yet]


ISIS 'burns down ancient church' as Christians are told: Convert or die
Jul 23, 2014 [with comments]


‘Duck Dynasty’ star: ‘Convert’ or ‘kill’ ISIS militants

Reality TV personality Phil Robertson speaks during the 2014 Republican Leadership Conference on May 29, 2014 in New Orleans, Louisiana. [with comments]


Islamic State tells Iraqi minorities, convert or die
August 21, 2014


Here’s how ‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Phil Robertson would fight the Islamic State: ‘Convert them or kill them’

Sarah Palin greets “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson after helping to introduce him at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, La., in May. [with embedded video of Robertson on Hannity (same as the YouTube in the post to which this is a reply), and comments]


ISIS gives Iraq Christians 'one week' to convert or die
26 August 2014


Phil Robertson Tells Hannity How He’d Combat ISIS: ‘Convert Them or Kill Them’

September 2nd, 2014 [with embedded video, and comments]


How Dummies Protect Hallowed Ground

Uploaded on Aug 30, 2010 by Mock The Dummy [ / , ]

The Dummies spread fear about Muslims and the "Ground Zero Mosque".

Notes available on our Facebook page and here: [with comments]


Ed Schultz Blasts Phil Robertson: ‘Convert or Kill’ Sounds a Lot Like ISIS

September 3rd, 2014
MSNBC’s Ed Schultz went after Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson today for his suggestion on Fox News last night that his prescription for dealing with ISIS terrorists is “convert them or kill them.” Schultz said Robertson clearly went off the deep end, and snarked, “What a very innovative way to advocate for war.”
But beyond that, Schultz argued Robertson sounds a lot like the terrorists he’s condemning with those remarks. He said, “It’s absurd that Phil Robertson wants to take a page out of the ISIS playbook and use the ‘convert or kill’ strategy. It’s exactly what ISIS is doing throughout Syria and Iraq.”
And Schultz went on to ask Robertson, “How many good Christian preachers can you get to back you up on that comment?”
[...] [with embedded videos, and comments]


Hannity Guest Confronts Him on Phil Robertson’s ‘Convert or Die’ ISIS Remark

September 3rd, 2014
Sean Hannity grilled one of his guests tonight on groups like ISIS terrorizing Americans and people in their own countries. But things took a heated turn when Hannity’s guest put him on the spot about Phil Robertson‘s “convert or die” comments about ISIS on his show yesterday.
Hannity went down a list of terrorists groups with Muhammed Siddeeq to see if he would acknowledge them as terrorist groups. And for the most part, he did. They fought over the categorization of Hezbollah as such, and Hannity declared that if anyone was killing in the name of his religion, he would condemn it.
Siddeeq piped up, “You didn’t condemn the Duck Dynasty [guy] yesterday!” Hannity defended Robertson, saying, “Either we have to change their minds or we have to kill the people that are beheading innocent Americans!”
Siddeeq shot back, “Does that sound like ISIS?” Hannity responded, “No! No it doesn’t!” ...
[...] [with embedded videos, and comments]


Hannity Fires Back at Ed Schultz: No, Phil Robertson and ISIS Aren’t Equals

September 4th, 2014
Sean Hannity‘s interview with Phil Robertson got lots of attention for the Duck Dynasty star saying the way he’d fight ISIS is “convert them or kill them.” Ed Schultz fired back by saying that Robertson sounded a lot like ISIS in those very remarks.
Hannity was clearly bothered by that and mocked “left-wing lunatic” Schultz for not understanding the difference between a Christian man like Phil Robertson and terrorists beheading innocent Americans on video.
Tamara Holder did tell Hannity he probably shouldn’t have chosen a “backwoods guy” to talk about ISIS on his show. Brian Kilmeade said Schultz was taking Robertson out of context and Hannity defended Robertson and reiterated his point, “Either they change their hearts, or they should die.”

[...] [with embedded videos, and comments]


Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson: Recovering Manhood in America - Inspirational Videos
Posted By christianitydotcom [ ] about a year ago
Phil Robertson and the cast of Duck Dynasty (A&E) are on a mission to bring manhood back to America. Does that mean men have to drive trucks, blow up beaver dams, and never shave again? Hear what Phil has to say. Read Phil’s new book “Happy, Happy, Happy: My Life and Legacy as Duck Commander” (Howard Books/Simon and Schuster, 2013). Follow him on Twitter @PhilRobertsonDC. [with comments]


Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson wants to bring Jews closer to Jesus

Phil Robertson holds his Bible as he addresses the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, May 29, 2014.
Photo by AP

Robertson and his son, Alan, star in event organized by a group dedicated to converting Jews to Christianity. Tickets cost up to $10,000.

By Haaretz | Sep. 2, 2014 | 5:45 PM

Patriarch of A&E's Duck Dynasty, Phil Robertson, who has caused controversy in the past with homophobic and racist remarks, is on a mission to bring Jews closer to the Christian faith.

According to WebProNews [ ], Robertson and his son, Alan, are taking part in an event organized by the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute. The group's stated aim is to "bring Jewish people into a personal relationship of faith with Yeshua the Messiah, knowing their acceptance will eventually mean life from the dead (Romans 11:15).”

“The MJBI equips leaders who will establish Messianic Jewish congregations and ministries in Jewish communities worldwide. Additionally, the MJBI seeks to equip the Church in its responsibility to take the Good News to the Jew first (Romans 1:16). Like Paul, the MJBI helps educate Christians in their role to provoke the Jewish people to jealousy and thus save some of them (Romans 11:11-14),” the group's website says.

The event, titled "A Tale of Two Ducks [ ]," will take place at the Fort Worth Convention Center on November 1, with tickets costing between $100 to $10,000.

An announcement on the MJBI website invites potential audience members to “spend a fun filled evening with the Duck Commander himself, Phil Robertson, and other stars from the mega hit show, A&E’s Duck Dynasty. They’ll share heartwarming and hysterical stories about filming the show, what goes on behind the scenes, their lives, their faith, their family, and ducks.

The event will be unscripted and unrehearsed, so who knows what tales of trials, tribulations and triumphs will be told! They’ll be joined by special musical guests who’ll provide their own special brand of toe tapping fun. Celebrate the simple. Laugh with us. Smile with us. Tap your toes with us. And as Phil says, get ‘HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY.’"

According to the website, the high-end $10,000 “Commander” ticket package includes: "One Premium banquet dinner table (table seats 10); two individual passes for “10 minutes with Phil Robertson”; five photo passes with Phil Robertson (Limit 2 people per photo); ten VIP seats to the arena event; five autographed copies of Phil Robertson’s book Happy, Happy, Happy; and one Duck Commander Duck Call."

Copyright 2014 Haaretz [with comments]


April 20, 2014 WFR 2nd Sermon - Phil Robertson

Published on Apr 21, 2014 by Whites Ferry Road Church [ / , ]

Speaker - Phil Robertson

WFR Website -

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Phil Robertson: I’m A Homophobe Just Like Jesus Was

Posted by: John Prager
September 2, 2014

Phil Robertson, patriarch of the fauxbilly [ ] Duck Dynasty Klan, either doesn’t understand “love” or thinks Jesus was a bigot.

In a 2010 sermon [ ], he explained that gay people are “full of murder, envy, strife, hatred,” and are “insolent God-haters” who are “heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless.”

He was later suspended from his show for the holiday season in what amounted to a publicity stunt on the part of A&E [ ] after he explained, “It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

He added, “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.” he then paraphrased Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

After those incredibly bigoted remarks, he claimed that he loved gay people, but “We let God sort ‘em out later.” Robertson doubled down on his hateful remarks at an Easter sermon when he used the Bible once again to justify his disgusting remarks [ (and see the item just above)].

On a Tuesday Good Morning America appearance [ ], Robertson said that he used the Bible because “The only place I know of that I could have gone to answer that question would be a Bible.” He added, “The dictionary wouldn’t have explained it. An encyclopedia wouldn’t have explained it, whether it was a sin or not. So I went to the only source I had to answer his question.”

When he was asked if he considers himself a homophobe Robertson responded, despite the mountains of evidence that he is, “I’m as much of a homophobe as Jesus was. People who are participating in homosexual behavior, they need to know that I love them.”

In other words, Jesus Christ must be a raging bigot.

Robertson did not offer his opinion on whether or not Jesus is also a racist — but he sure is. In the GQ interview, he suggested that black people were happier under Jim Crow, and asserted that he has never –not once — seen a black person mistreated.

Attempting to clean up his image on that front, he spewed a line of bullsh*t, as well. “There is one race,” Robertson said in the interview. “One race. On this planet. It’s called the human race. We’re all the same. To me there is absolutely nothing that has color to do with it.”

Riiiight. Because Jim Crow laws were not aimed at a specific race, or anything.

Oddly enough, Robertson did not offer any comments on his suggestion that men marry children [ ] during the GMA appearance. In a 2006 sermon, Robertson opined that men should marry girls when they are just 15 or 16 years old — as long as mom or dad are cool with it (Take a seat over there, Phil.)

Watch Phil accidentally call Jesus a bigot, below [ (the GMA appearance; next below, as embedded)]:

Americans Against the Tea Party © Copyright 2014 [with comments]


How Dummies Restore Honor

Uploaded on Sep 10, 2010 by Mock The Dummy

The Dummy emulates Fearmonger in Chief, Glenn Beck, and works to Restore Honor.

Notes available on our Facebook page and here: [with comments]


The Duck Commander: An Interview with Phil Robertson

by Staff on Friday, March 08, 2013

Phil Robertson, The Duck Commander of A&E's hit show "Duck Dynasty", talks about faith, family, and ducks. Order his new book, Happy, Happy, Happy: My Life and Legacy as the Duck Commander [ ] now and read all about the beginning of Duck Commander."

The following transcript includes additional comments from our interview with Phil about deciding to follow Jesus.

I'm currently 66 years old. That's how long I've been on planet Earth. When I was 28, I was sort of into "sex, drugs, and rock and roll," as they say. Some guy with a Bible came into a beer joint that I was running and he wanted to talk it over. I basically ran him out of the place. My sister is the one that brought him and while he was in the back trying to get a Bible study going with the old guy here, yours truly, she's in the front handing out Bible tracts. That created a little bit of a ruckus in the beer joint.

I had to go out there and tell everybody, "Look, the girl wants to hand out Bible tracts. Take them, throw them into the trash can, do whatever you want, but don't be messing with my sister here. I'll break your legs." So, I ran the guy off. But later on I looked him back up as my life was pretty much going south in a hurry.

So at 28, I finally sit down and listened for the first time in my life to the story about Jesus of Galilee, the one we're all counting time by. It is currently 2,013 years since Jesus got here. 2013 A.D. Anno Domini. So we're all counting time by Jesus. I just decided to follow him 38 years ago when I heard that He, in fact, was God in flesh. Not only was He God in flesh, it took the blood of God to remove my "sex, drugs, and rock and roll" lifestyle — sin.

Well, I'm sitting there listening and I'm like, "Man, that was a mighty kind thing to do for a scumbag like me." Not only that, it wouldn't do me any good, though, if something could not be done about the six-foot hole I'm going into (and you too, by the way).

So we're all sinners, Jesus dies on a cross to remove all of them, so you can go, "I'm guilty no longer. The price has been paid." God coming down in flesh did that. It's actually too wild a story to dream up by human beings, especially sinful ones. Three days later he guarantees me not only did He have the power to remove my sin, but He had the power to energize dead cold flesh so it can stand back up on the earth again.

Because of what Jesus has done, his death on a cross and his resurrection, He's guaranteed you that you will live. So, as Jesus would put it, "Whoever lives and believes in Me will never die."

If you're not a believer and you don't believe God exists at all, about the only hope you have is He not be there. That's your hope: "Maybe He's not there." What we're saying is: "We trust that He is."

Are you ready to follow Jesus? Learn more [ ]. Or if you would like to talk to someone about Jesus, call toll free anytime 888-537-8720.

© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention [with three video segments comprising the interview embedded]


Willie & Phil Robertson talk about fake bleeps and praying in Jesus' name

Published on Apr 18, 2013 by Sports Spectrum Magazine [ / , ]

Willie & Phil Robertson, stars of Duck Dynasty, talk about fake bleeps, praying in Jesus' name, and getting flack from Christians.
For more about the Robertson family, read our latest DigiMag all about the Duck Dynasty crew: [with comments]


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