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09/10/14 11:00 PM

#228102 RE: F6 #228094

Excellent. I'm listening to Robertson's Christian sermon

in yours, while hustling up a couple to go with his cultivated and nutty guru religious role ..

West Point cadet quits military academy because of pervasive Christian evangelism

In Latest Show of Extremism, the NRA Hosts a Muslim-Basher

Some PR paraphrased: 'without Jesus and the resurrection of the dead you don't have a chance'!!!!!!! .. 'Jesus was the first arrow from heaven' .. 'the only chance you have of leaving this earth alive is Jesus' .. SHIT .. SERIOUSLY, better check the dictionary definition of alive, no, we don't have to do we as we're not supposed to take your word's literally either, eh, Phil? .. Robertson is a caricature. and when he says he 'loves us all' that is total bullshit .. and as far as 'the gospel rescues all from Satan', get off the pot, Phil! .. there are a couple more about the army god guns stuff somewhere .. ah!

U.S. Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes

Air Force Cites New Testament, Ex-Nazi, to Train Officers on Ethics of Launching Nuclear Weapons

Rick Perry and the New Apostolic Reformation

god, i hate doomsdayers.

Duck Dynasty's Patriarch Put on Hiatus for Anti-Gay Quacks

What Happened When an Extremist, Christian Fundamentalist Got to Run a Whole State .. [adjust] .. Hint: nothing good.

'how're you gonna get off the planet earth ALIVE without being born again?', change a bit and set him in the Taliban .. gawd Phil, d'ya
have to yell so much to keep them with you? .. 'you don't get drunk anymore when you die' .. shit Phil, you don't pick your nose then, either.

If Jesus had a wife, would it change the GOP War on Women?

'your birthday is really 9 months before you popped out, so really your birthday is not on the day'. Ok, Phil,
conception is birth. Got it. Oh, then 'baptism is our real birth'. OH! Sod, help us 'the never really born.'

Meet Holly: A Lying Right-Wing ‘Christian’ Taliban Extremist Ammosexual Whackjob (Images)

Duck Dynasty: In The Heat Of The Hunt

Robertson: 'Just think of a spiritual body FOREVER.' .. 'our way to IMMORTALITY...'

I could blame the number of links here on PR, but won't. Just felt like listening to one of his through. Have now. Never again.


09/11/14 6:11 AM

#228108 RE: F6 #228094

Phil R, God gave you teeth, too, you would say. So traveling on the same rough, amen irrational, road your beard travels on, i wonder, do you go to the
dentist at all? Or even to any hospital? Ever?. F6, yeah, this time around i watched your 12th down .. ..

"note his take on facial hair in "Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson: Recovering Manhood in America - Inspirational
Videos" twelfth below -- could have come straight from e.g. the Taliban; in any event does come from the same well


09/20/14 5:45 AM

#228460 RE: F6 #228094

Mosque protesters warn of 'beheadings' at rally .. Australian bigots on show

Mark Furler and Kathy Sundstrom | 20th Sep 2014 6:00 AM Updated: 1:21 PM

A DOZEN police had to keep anti mosque protesters and supporters apart at an emotion-charged rally on the Sunshine Coast today.



09/28/14 9:11 PM

#228816 RE: F6 #228094

Christian VS Muslim

Published on Sep 26, 2014 by DarkMatter2525 [ / , ]

What could possibly go wrong?
This bird has two right wings. Basically, it ain't gonna fly.

This video is mainly addressed to people I would define as ultra right wing radical Christians in America. Some people tell me that Islam is worse, because at least the Christians aren't beheading people who don't respect their religion. The whole point of this video is "beware what you wish for". The reason certain Christians don't do such things is simply because they live in a secular society that won't allow such things, but they want that to change. They want the theocracy. They want people like me to be punished. They are the Taliban that is not allowed to act like the Taliban. This video is a cautionary comparison, and it is absolutely valid. Furthermore, far more Muslims have been killed by Christians, than the other way around, today and throughout history. It's just that we tend to label it differently.

I've often been told by Christians, "Hey, if you were in a Muslim country, making fun of religion, you'd be dead by now," (John Lennox has said stuff like this). Basically, that means "At least we Christians let you live." Um...thanks. Those are some mighty low standards you have there. I don't trust radicals on either side. I'm alive because the secular government won't allow you to kill me - not because there's a shortage of Christians who would be ready, willing, and able to do it. Of that, I have no doubt.

Royalty-free music used:
"Get It Off" by Devyn Rose [with (already over 2,400) comments]


in addition to (linked in) the post to which this is a reply and preceding and (other) following, see also (linked in): (in particular "Friday Night, Saturday Morning - Monty Python's Life of Brian - 1979 Debate", [preceded by "Monty Python's Life of Brian" complete and uncut]) and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following, and preceding and following and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and following and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) (and any future following)