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09/09/14 7:57 AM

#28813 RE: CommonShrSense #28812

I believe WC has already expired the effort of finding a lawyer to inexpensively represent us. Unless he is following up on this 'solo' and his lawyer told him to stop posting on boards while the law suit is in motion...which might account for his silence on this board since June. On the other hand maybe WC has been working for FH all along to support the PPS while FH played his games with us.

We'd need a SH with deep pockets or someone who had MAJOR SKIN in this play who can cough up the $$ to justify paying a lawyer. I personally don't have enough skin in this to justify hiring a lawyer. And I don't have the time to coordinate a law suit on behave of other SHs. One would need to set up an escrow fund to collect donations from shareholder and manage all of that along with searching and providing the lawyer with the information they need for the SEC. I may be wrong but it was my understanding that ACE had well over $100,000 in CTKH. I would think that he'd have enough skin to take on FH. But he has gone silent on this board as well. But ACE hasn’t posted anywhere on iHUB since May 8, 2014. WC hasn’t posted since June 13, 2014. Maybe there is a small band of large SH working this law suit behind the scenes and the doctor (lawyer) told them to stop posting while the law suit is being worked. So this is like watching fantasy football with no QB. Where is my chips and dip!
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09/09/14 11:47 AM

#28815 RE: CommonShrSense #28812

Lets cut out the BS Forget lawyers forget SEC You go right to the local DA or the local office of the FBI
FBI 845 615 1700 Goshen NY

NY Att. General 845 485 3900 Poughkeepsie NY

Going to lawyers is a waste of time