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09/04/14 7:03 AM

#35054 RE: DeaconY #35053

The videos and news articles attached to this message board tell a clear story. According to this info the dazer was demonstrated to the police on several occasions around the country. The news indicated the product to be of value to the police arsenal. So what happened? Why didn't the police place an order for a million units to save lives? The answer is simple. The police realized the dazer was a bigger liability risk than asset to them. Why? Because the flurry of lawsuits from anyone and everyone claiming the laser had caused eye damage to them. Right or wrong this would have overwhelmed the courts costing the police and cities far more than the value of the product eventually shelving the daser forever. The green laser is known to burn retinas and based on that knowledge alone the daser was a high risk loser. Failure to meet FDA approval was the nail in the coffin for daser and the Bob Battis regime. Now it's all over for LEI and Battis.


09/04/14 7:05 AM

#35055 RE: DeaconY #35053

so let me get this straight you spoke with an SGM who has a higher level of ocular distractor experience than a beat cop correct? And going by the tone of the message he was the decision making individual when it came to contract time correct? This is all well and good DeaconY, but for an individual who is seeking information there are a lot of questions left unanswered. Yes the Dazer was not selected,,but why? You mentioned this group of individuals already have been using other makes of ocular distractors, so from my point of view a contractor has already made a solid relationship thus has a much better advantage over a company that is new to the ocular distractor industry, and is unfamiliar to this group. In my opinion this is the real story behind why LEI is unsuccessful. Its not so much the Dazer, but a very small company with no clout. Not many people are willing to take a risk when they are already comfortable with the relationship they have established. I think most people would agree that once a contractor has established a good relationship I don't care if the device under test is far superior its not going to be selected. I have seen it time and again especially in a government funded environment. The problem does not reside with an SGM it goes way up the ladder to the individual who has signing privileges.


09/04/14 7:06 AM

#35056 RE: DeaconY #35053

20 months later and no sale

DeaconY - "demo back in January 2013?"

1) well the MP may have like it on free demo day (wonder what else was free)
2) and the marines rejected LNGT and went with another vendor

I guess it speaks VOLUMES when no sales happen and other companies are chosen

I'm just saying no one really know about this product
and the interest does not seem to be there due to lack of sales and PRs from the company


09/04/14 4:37 PM

#35065 RE: DeaconY #35053

Really? That is really odd because of the claims on the board that LEIs never existed? While I tend not to believe anything that Battis says, I can also say the same thing about posts on this board.

"My guy has actually seen, held and used several different Occular distractors, including LEI's."